View Full Version : Vantage with more than 4 LNBs ?

03-11-2008, 08:22 AM

Does anyone have a Vantage (preferably 200 series) which they use to receive more than 4 LNBs? I ask because I am considering adding 1 or 2 more LNBs for other satellites, but I'm not sure how I would configure the DiSEqC ports.

My Vantage shows 4 'ports' available and I'm currently using all 4, fed from a 4-way external DiSEqC switch down a single co-ax. ie Astra1, Astra2, Hotbird and Hispasat all down the one co-ax.
For one or more further LNBs down the same co-ax, how could I introduce more 'ports' for them? There are 2 'tone burst' options in the Vantage ports settings, but I have no idea what they are.

There is also the issue of how to configure the DiSEqC switch(es) for more than 4 LNBs; is there such a thing as an 8-way DiSEqC switch? Or, if not, how to set up using 2 4-way switches?

Thanks for any help,

PS I wouldn't be doing the dish / outdoor work myself.

03-11-2008, 06:01 PM
yes,there are 8x1 diseqc switches,most use "goto" functions like diseqc 1.1,so is possible.
Check EMP centaury site,they have some models.

03-11-2008, 08:46 PM
Does anyone have a Vantage (preferably 200 series) which they use to receive more than 4 LNBs? I ask because I am considering adding 1 or 2 more LNBs for other satellites, but I'm not sure how I would configure the DiSEqC ports.

Yes,I have more than 4 lnbs on Vantage 7100 HD,i mean 16 lnb!If Vantage 200 series have diseqc 1.0 and 1.1 you can configured 4 lnbs,or 8 lnbs,and 16 lnbs.You must use diseqc switch 1.1 if you want to use more than 4 lnbs

04-11-2008, 01:37 AM
Hello again and thanks for your replies.

So, for up to 8 LNBs down 1 co-ax, is this the switch I would need, then? :-


Presumably that would be weatherproof and mounted externally, replacing my current DiSEqC switch?

My Vantage manual says it supports DiSEqC 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 which sounds good. It also mentions 'Go to X' whatever that is, and USALS for motorised use.

Is that switch pretty rare / specialist? Would I have to basically buy that specific switch? I see they have UK dealers.
I would obviously liaise with any installer I get before buying anything.

Thanks again,

04-11-2008, 05:09 PM
So, for up to 8 LNBs down 1 co-ax, is this the switch I would need, then? :-

You need a switch 1.1 for 8 lnbs and in your receiver you have to set {in menu},diseqc part,1.1.Everthing is working well.

05-11-2008, 12:03 AM
Thanks again satesco.

For up to 8 LNBs on a Vantage, with the switch mounted outside in a weatherproof cover, would you use/recommend this switch : - ?


or this one : - ?

hxxp://wxw.s a t e u r o p a.co.uk/product_overview.asp?id=1938&catid=12&subcat=57
(^ take the spaces out of that)

Or a different one?


05-11-2008, 07:07 PM
For up to 8 LNBs on a Vantage, with the switch mounted outside in a weatherproof cover, would you use/recommend this switch : - ?

Vantage switch is ok but with weatherproof cover,or Spaun,or EMP Centauri,all in weathetproof.If you buy 8/1 switch you must configure in receiver like this:you choose diseqc 1.1,first of all,after that you set 1 to Astra 19.2 satellite,if this is the first one,and 2 at next satellite,and 3 at next,etc

06-11-2008, 12:25 AM
ok, great, thanks again, satesco.
