View Full Version : Best box I have ever had

03-11-2008, 10:13 PM
I have had this box a few weeks now and I must say it's the best box I have ever had. It was confusing to start with but now it is all setup on my 1m motorised dish, I cannot stop playing with it. The EDG Nemasis image hardly ever reboots and it seems very stable. I have tried a few skins and other things. The Total Football plugin is simply amazing, I would not hesitate to buy another box if one day it broke. :cool:

03-11-2008, 10:57 PM
It's the worst box I ever had.

Glad that someone is enjoying it though. :eek:

03-11-2008, 11:30 PM
Got to say i agree its great value for money now with plenty of support and I love mine as the tuner is much better than my dm7020, but it was not as great 10 months ago.
Now the TM9100 is my main box.
This is why my problem starts,I want a HD linux reciever, but both my tm9100 and dm7020 were a pain when released, and looking at the current HD linux list they are not having fun, so what do i get and when do i get a HD linux based reciever??

Support seems best if costs a lot DM8000 or Great value ??

Mio 720
04-11-2008, 03:56 AM

I really agree with you guys when you said that the box its great build & value for money But where is that support you talking about here mate? The company of it is still Not even found any solution for the TimeShift… sadly right!?!

There is a few pop group that making an -better- image for this box and the 2 DM images are even worst (Picture quality is very Bad of these 2 image… I know them from the old past when I had a DM700 and the Only good PQ DM image one is the PLi image but no one make it for the TM one… Why???) , and then you must wait and wait for a better image but those guys making almost no more image for it cause if you follow the datum of the image you know what i'm talking about here… Oh plz don’t mention that Daul Boot image cause it’s not worth to spend many hours of my time for it!!

So I agree with you guy when you say that it’s the worst box that I ever and never bay it again in my entire life, pay a little more for better support and for a better sharper crisper PQ box cause that’s what I’m and you looking to when I / you watching a movie mate… right!?!

Ps: the only good PQ is from the ZDF groups on Astra But whose looking/watching these blabla channels???


04-11-2008, 09:03 AM
Picture quality is very Bad

I agree with you there.

It's the worst picture quality I have seen on any box, let alone all the other problems.

04-11-2008, 10:27 AM
I have to agree with posts 1 and 3 and disagree with all the others

there is nothing wrong with the picture quality on any of the images , and I use the ds dual boot images for booting and the other images on a sd card , no real problems with the images themselves , and no problems with picture quality on component or on rgb scart on any tv I have tried them on

had mine about 18 months now , yes the support was bad last year but this year I have been more than happy with my boxes , and dont see what all the bitching is about

I have tried almost every image there is and am happy to run either of the 2 dreambox images , and also it seems ok on most of the newer images for the technomate , so although I would agree it was bad last year when we started , I have absolutely no problems using the boxes that I own , I watch them every day and I can compare them to other satellite boxes like sky and a tm1500 and a samsung 9500 viaci , or to uk freeview , or to my sony 970 recorder , and do so on a daily basis

there is nothing wrong with any of the pictures or sound that I see , from any source , and changing to the tm9100 I see no differences in picture quality compared to any other piece of equipment I own

those ppl who know how to set these things up would agree with me , of that I am sure , if anyone doesnt like the box , sell it and stay out of this forum , simple as that in my opinion as you have no idea what you are talking about and in this case havent got a clue about it

so just to reiterate , there is fook all wrong with the box , nothing wrong with picture quality and its a bargain for the pittance it costs to buy one :)

like tr8 said , the problem will be to find a HD box as good as this one , with the support as well , I have always said I am waiting for a tm9100 HD to arrive , or something similar , and preferably with twin tuners as well , so something like the new humax foxsat HDR but with the benefits of the tm9100 thrown in for good measure , perhaps a combination of the 2 boxes into one super box is what we need to see ?

04-11-2008, 10:41 AM
I have to agree with echelon on this one, I got rid of mine only because I was impatient and was compairing it to my dreambox's.
Nothing wrong with picture quality at all.
You have to look at what you paid for the box and pound for pound it is worth it.
The problems people have setting up etc are no different to the posts you read from dreambx users, linux is linux lol

05-11-2008, 02:53 PM
I have to agree with echelon on this one, I got rid of mine only because I was impatient and was compairing it to my dreambox's.
Nothing wrong with picture quality at all.
You have to look at what you paid for the box and pound for pound it is worth it.
The problems people have setting up etc are no different to the posts you read from dreambx users, linux is linux lol

I love my tm9100 its by far the best box ive had and ive had plenty of fun with it trying to get it to work correctly.

I think the picture quailty is good, maybe they have set it up wrong.

I dont think you can beat a linux box and the price i paid for mine it was a right bargain.


05-11-2008, 03:30 PM
ive only just aquired 1 off mi nephew:respect-057:,does my head in when it reboots itself:respect-040:lovely looking box though,still reading & learning about the linux system init,cant say its the best ,ime only just scratching the surface of what it can do from what ive read,supose that's why we call it a hobby:respect-069:

05-11-2008, 04:04 PM
got my boxs about a year ago,kept rebooting,crashing,thought what a nightmare.sent it back 2 technomate they checked it out ,turned out 2 be faulty
an a new box arrived 4 days latter.never looked back, now running the ur14 all working spot on .great little box

06-11-2008, 11:24 PM
The only thing that would make me get rid of this great box is a HD linux box that doen't cost the earth. What bad picture with the very latest CVS looking good on my 42" Sony plasma.

18-11-2008, 03:01 AM
well im thinking of getting a tm9100 super but all these posts are confusing me...ive never had a linux box and i want the use of the ethernet side so i can use it for my local share at mo using diablo wirelees with newcam and sep pc this seems afar better option for me ..guess it will cope with newcs ok?
the supplier i rang did warn me....if u not into linux dont buy if u are your love it..is this what these posts really mean...


18-11-2008, 04:42 AM
guess ime not into linux then,i hate the bsrd:king-041:

18-11-2008, 07:35 AM
Then I suggest you should sell then BOOGIBEAR,All has been said before about these boxes and there are always a minority who will slam boxes because they cannot make them work.
Just a small number have failed due to component failure and where this has happened and TM contacted there has been a solution.
I blame the pc pnp environment we live in,a few owners expect them to work out of the box(some suppliers do install software to do this)its not the case with linux,never has,never will be.If the effort is put in to learn about the TM9100 series the rewards are great,pound for pound its the best sat box out there,detractors are either impatient owners or just don't have the ability to make them work and as such have chosen the wrong box for the next stage of their hobby, Dunc.

18-11-2008, 09:09 AM
I know very little about linux and I dont see that as being a requirement for this box

if you understand windows structures , files , ftp , attributes etc then I dont see it as hard , yes some of the intricate stuff may be hard but I just treat it as a pc on my network and also use the onscreen menus for loading it as well

it needs a person that likes a bit of tinkering , it isnt plug and play , a logical thought process may be needed for certain tasks but that is true of any box

its usually ppl who dont understand networking , havent used ftp programs , dont know how to use the right mouse button etc that can get tied up in knots

follow a plan of action using the provided tools and also pc tools like ftp and you usually get by

I still think its a great box with the newer patches on board

18-11-2008, 09:32 AM
When I purchased my Dreambox about 4-5 years ago I did not have a clue, but with sat boards like pimps and the den I got all the help I needed to make things work. since then I just read and experiment and would say I am not a bad end user. Do I understand linux? Not much :king-041:

18-11-2008, 09:36 AM
As I have said before this box works very stable for me. I stick to one image and that does everything I need and more. I must admit I did mess it up once a few weeks ago but it's back up and running now. I never touch the flash on it, all I do is experiemnt with stuff using the SD card.

18-11-2008, 01:46 PM
what type of sd card you got dreamlife??i know its an experinmental box thats why ime keeping it rainy days and all that:sifone:

18-11-2008, 07:39 PM
i know nothing of linux but i know how to fix my dreambox and use it:chillpill:
by fix i mean program it.

18-11-2008, 07:57 PM
im glad its a goood box now i had one of the first ones and it was p**s poor, i was a mod on ***** for the box and gave it up as it was so bad ,

18-11-2008, 08:02 PM
what type of sd card you got dreamlife??i know its an experinmental box thats why ime keeping it rainy days and all that:sifone:

Any old 1 or 2gb card should be fine. You don't really need any where near that size but there cheap these days.


18-11-2008, 09:52 PM
what type of sd card you got dreamlife??i know its an experinmental box thats why ime keeping it rainy days and all that:sifone:

It's a Kingston 2gb micro SD card inside a Kingston SD adaptor. :) I use Edge Nemasis 4.2 because 4.1 kept restarting if I messed with it to much.