View Full Version : what channel to activate an old sly card

04-11-2008, 04:04 PM

now that ch4 and 5 are FTA - i need to activate an old sly card (yellow house one) to get CH4 HD

do i need to put this in my sly box, or will passion+ box do it?

what channel should i leave it on to activate?

ta lads.

04-11-2008, 04:08 PM
Put it back in the sly box is the best way.:respect-048:

04-11-2008, 04:10 PM
sky1 may need to leave it in overnight. good luck.

04-11-2008, 04:22 PM
cheers ive got in on ch5 on my old sly box...

does it matter which channel?

04-11-2008, 05:30 PM
Hi m8 as long as the card is in the box it should update ok I would think. Try and leave it in overnight on ch4 and see how you go on m8.

Regards BigDave

04-11-2008, 05:43 PM
should work on any channel , but I would always try a scrambled one , so ch5 or sly 3

ch4 is fta , and I believe ch4HD is scrambled so you may not get that one no matter what you do , but first jobs first , update the card so you get ch5 , then try it elsewhere ;)

04-11-2008, 06:27 PM
should work on any channel , but I would always try a scrambled one , so ch5 or sly 3

ch4 is fta , and I believe ch4HD is scrambled so you may not get that one no matter what you do , but first jobs first , update the card so you get ch5 , then try it elsewhere ;)

cheers mate, i dont know why i presumed ch4 hd would be obtainable really - its not even listed on the freesat site.

even if it did work, would i need to enter the sly box'es serial number (box id) into my Predator software, or i would i even need diff firmware?

on another forum, someone has it working on their passion+ using a dragon and a freesat card...

outlook looking good, just need to wait for my card to update i guess - first things first as u say.

thanks for your input wiseone.

06-04-2009, 02:45 PM
I have re-activated a lot of FTV cards over the years and I always used channel 998

06-04-2009, 05:05 PM
ch 4 hd
sorry not free to air
you have to subscribe to sky to get it

06-04-2009, 05:58 PM
I have always used channel 5 and never had any1 phone back to say it hasnt worked.

06-04-2009, 06:22 PM
you have to subscribe to sky to get it

Not quite true...

06-04-2009, 07:22 PM
ch 4 hd
sorry not free to air
you have to subscribe to sky to get it

Not true at all!

06-04-2009, 10:40 PM
Btw, for me it seems that BBC Parliament channel is the best for all kind of emm`s for 0961 cards , and after that is Sky news.

07-04-2009, 10:20 AM
Not true at all!


But for some reason I thought that I'd try to be diplomatic for once :D

07-04-2009, 01:53 PM
IF its not true how do you get ch 4 hd on a freesat box ?

07-04-2009, 05:29 PM
i was given a sly card with no subscription on it and keep it in my tm6800hd box in the card slot (no cam). channel 4hd clears ok.

07-04-2009, 08:17 PM
IF its not true how do you get ch 4 hd on a freesat box ?

By using an expired or a freesat from sky card either in the slot or in a diablo cam.

But it must be an HD box .. lol

However.. a subscription is not required

13-04-2009, 11:13 PM
Can I put my freesat from **** card (or my old **** card from an expired sub) in my Foxsat HD receiver then and get Fiver and US (they both work OK in my **** boxes)? What CAM would I need? I tried my old Magic module but no go :( Really want to just use 1 box now (other than DM7000 for other stuff!)

29-05-2009, 02:46 PM
Have found that leaving it on s*y news overnight normally gets them back

24-09-2009, 01:28 AM
If you have an old Sly box can you use your old card in that to get FTV CH4 & 5 ?

I put it in and it said something about not matching the box

24-09-2009, 09:21 AM
If you have an old Sly box can you use your old card in that to get FTV CH4 & 5 ?

I put it in and it said something about not matching the box

ch4 and ch5 are free to air , so no card required

if you wanted the scrambled version of ch5 then the card and box seem to have to match since the newest updates , whereas earlier this year the card would update and work in any box

boxes not updated seem unaffected by the above , but it seems that it is going to matter

but to answer the question , ch4 and ch5 can be had free to air so no card required

c4HD needs an updated card , and a suitable cam or suitable box to work , as it is still scrambled

24-09-2009, 11:45 AM
So I guess I have to retune c4 & c5 to the non scrambled channels and use the "other channels" feature to get them as an FTA?

Or is there another method.

What other fta's are available on a retune?

24-09-2009, 12:38 PM
check lyngsat for free channels on 28e

ch4 is free to air and not scrambled anyway , so you wont have to add that in other channels as it should be on 104 and free to air

ch5 fta will have to be added in other channels and selected manually , or use a suitably updated blue card or whatever for it to work on 105

c4HD needs the updated card anyway as it is still scrambled

24-09-2009, 12:46 PM
If you have an old Sly box can you use your old card in that to get FTV CH4 & 5 ?

I put it in and it said something about not matching the box

I have two sly boxes and for the basic package its doesn't need to be in the "correct" box

24-09-2009, 01:38 PM
I have two sly boxes and for the basic package its doesn't need to be in the "correct" box

once a box has been locked to the white card it wont go in another box m8

already tested a few blue cards and one white card in several boxes

my lad has a box with a paired blue card on free to view , and his card wont work here and no other blue cards work in his box

ny blue paired card wont even work on my paired box since I changed to the white one

so believe me , its changed and not as simple as it used to be

04-01-2010, 11:25 PM
once a box has been locked to the white card it wont go in another box m8

already tested a few blue cards and one white card in several boxes

my lad has a box with a paired blue card on free to view , and his card wont work here and no other blue cards work in his box

ny blue paired card wont even work on my paired box since I changed to the white one

so believe me , its changed and not as simple as it used to be

Echh - happy new year. Just a quickie, sometime over xmas my "blue house" expired sly card which WAS getting me CH4 HD fine... has since gone scrambled.

Will this reactivate do you know, in the usual way, you know, if i leave in my pukka sly box on sky 3 for instance (FTV)!?

Or has something changed to now stop this....?

Ta mate.

05-01-2010, 02:30 PM
Hi, sky have isued new cards, ie the white ones, and the intention was to switch:respect-049::respect-050: off the blue ones so your card is now dead.

If you go to the sky site as here


it explains all.


05-01-2010, 03:07 PM

05-01-2010, 03:15 PM
Hi, sky have isued new cards, ie the white ones, and the intention was to switch:respect-049::respect-050: off the blue ones so your card is now dead.

If you go to the sky site as here


it explains all.


if i PAID for a proper FREESAT card, will that get me CH4 HD? even though its not strictly FREESAT, but the channel is FTV rather than FTA.

05-01-2010, 03:21 PM
if i PAID for a proper FREESAT card, will that get me CH4 HD? even though its not strictly FREESAT, but the channel is FTV rather than FTA.

Yes mate!:respect-050:

05-01-2010, 11:58 PM
Yes mate!:respect-050:

and work in a CAM? .... :respect-057:

just been doing some research, and found this link:

only 20 quid...

11-01-2010, 11:49 AM
and work in a CAM? .... :respect-057:

just been doing some research, and found this link:

only 20 quid...

No mate, not in a Dragon/T-Rex cam at any rate!
Cant speak for Diablo as never had one, but seems that would be an expensive way anyway?
Plus works fine directly into patched TM6900HD Super WITHOUT a cam!:respect-050:

11-01-2010, 02:10 PM
If you put the box into standby it will go to 11778.00 V 27500 2/3 if you are on the Astra 2A North beam. On a digibox that would be one of the two Multichoice channels. That carries the updates as well as the EPG data.

26-02-2010, 12:30 PM
Are the Yellow House Cards still updating.

Haven't used mine for a while so left it on overnight and it is still stuck on entitlements with the latest being 20-2-2010.

26-02-2010, 12:52 PM
I have a yellow house ftv card in my TM9100 and it's updating to 11-4-2010 with the exception of provider B765 which is still stuck at 28-2-2010. Not sure if this one will or not as I generally leave it on a FTA channel most days.

26-02-2010, 01:10 PM
Thanks for that. Seems as though I just need to be patient.

01-03-2010, 06:52 PM
the old blue one;s no longer update had mine in sly box for two days///