View Full Version : 6900 Super and EPG

05-11-2008, 12:29 AM
I've noticed that often when I try and open the EPG on a channel that I've added the receiver re-boots.

Currently using the end of September Magic patch and the Magic channel list. It suggests the receiver is not 'seeing' the new channels when providing the EPG.

Anyone else had problems like this?

05-11-2008, 09:54 PM
I have noticed that if you select any satellite and scroll through the EPG when you get to the last entry instead of going back to the first entry the receiver powers down and re boots.
I am using Ver 6.60 firmware and have no patches in the receiver.
I cannot say for certain if this happened on ver 6.58

05-11-2008, 11:52 PM
So if its NOT a patch, did you get your 'firmware' from Technomate site direct M8?:respect-050:

06-11-2008, 01:13 PM
Its a strange thinge, but since I have had my TM6900HD SUPER I have very carefully avoided having more than ONE cam inserted, the Conax MPEG-4 NP2, the one for reading my M2+ card - even switching the patch off in a VAIN attempt to get the 1W HD channels to work better - but last night, I downloaded EMPB's 3.69 to 'lazily' get the *** on Diamond channels it opened and accidentally left the Dragon cam IN alongside the Conax one.
So with the latest Magic patch ON, Conax AND Dragon cams in, I attempted to open C+ Film HD on 1W - and lo & behold not only did it open within seconds, it also had SOUND for the first time since I first had my Super a few weeks ago!
Oh yes, I also managed to do a 'timer' record of a whole film off C+ Flms HD with sound & no freezes - so its weird eh?
Anyone else had this experience? Just thought it worth posting to let you all know - especially Teassoc!:respect-046:

06-11-2008, 09:59 PM
Hi there guys,
Ver 6.60 firmware was downloaded from the Technomate site and I am just using the Diablo cam and **derworld software 1.43

07-11-2008, 12:39 PM
@LyonKing - Kisa identified this bug on the 10/10/08 see

Does not occur now, so assume one of the patches cured it ?

08-11-2008, 11:09 PM
Many thanks for the link Hamrag1. It looks as if it has been sorted:respect-055: