View Full Version : Does your Vantage mis-classify some chs?

06-11-2008, 01:00 AM

This isn't new but I haven't asked about it before;
Does your Vantage mis-classify some channels when you do a scan? This may be that it designates them as scrambled when they are not or vice versa, or decides they are TV when they are in fact radio channels, or vice versa.

I find this on my model. I don't think the patching causes it.


nosmo king
06-11-2008, 01:22 AM
Havent noticed the scrambled ones
But it sure saves tv as radio

On a side note
If you delete a frenquency
The channels stay

06-11-2008, 04:55 AM
The firmware is far from perfect, isn't it. I like to think these bugs will be cleared up but there doesn't seem to be any great moves in that direction.
I don't know if the HD models are better debugged.

I'd also like to be able to detect and delete dead/old channels. The java channel editor in Tools, of which there are various versions on the internet, seems to be meant to update channel data from a site such as lyngsat, but I haven't managed to make it work. It only seems to be made to do Astra1 and Hotbird, anyway.

06-11-2008, 07:09 AM
There are chanel databases floating around. All you need to do is fix up your fav channels.

06-11-2008, 08:11 AM
Hello Zeke,

Do you know where I can find a good and up to date one for Astra 1+2, Hotbird and Hispasat?
Do other receivers also use a Channel.si? Are any known to be compatible with the Vantage?


06-11-2008, 08:53 AM
The firmware is far from perfect, isn't it. I like to think these bugs will be cleared up but there doesn't seem to be any great moves in that direction.
I don't know if the HD models are better debugged.

I'd also like to be able to detect and delete dead/old channels. The java channel editor in Tools, of which there are various versions on the internet, seems to be meant to update channel data from a site such as lyngsat, but I haven't managed to make it work. It only seems to be made to do Astra1 and Hotbird, anyway.

you need to open the accompanying .ini file in a text editor and read the instructions on how to add more satellites into the list and update it online...

06-11-2008, 09:01 AM
thanks, Tarzan. I'll need to translate the help file, I think.
Do you know which version of that editor, either here or elsewhere, is the latest for use with the 200 series?


06-11-2008, 05:18 PM
Don't know about Hispat but plug GioppyGio into google.

I guess the motor file includes all the sats but I've only used the dual one with Hotbird and Astra.

06-11-2008, 06:27 PM
Thanks, I'll have a look.

Earlier, I had another go with the vantage editor 0.6 in Tools and I managed to get it downloading from lyngsat for my 4 satellites. However, maybe I did something wrong, but my current favourites seemed to completely vanish when then trying to view them in the editor. I think I set the config.ini ok but not totally sure. I also got lots of 'junk' channels including feeds which I didn't want, even though there is a setting in config.ini which seems meant to deal with that.

I also wondered how using those lyngsat satellite pages would work where you have a provider listed sometimes but without a breakdown of the channels in its package. Presumably they just wouldn't appear.

I was trying to merge and replace/remove old or wrong data in my channel list, so assuming I was doing it right it didn't work out for me. The editor however was functioning and offering various confirmations to change details and transponders etc. I don't want to lose the favourites though and have to re-build them, because then I might as well just delete all the channels in the Vantage myself and just re-scan from new and have to build new favourites anyway.
I'll probably try the Linowsat option instead and see if results are different.
I'm still not sure anyway if the 0.6 editor is the best or most up to date for the 200 series. I actually emailed the author Klaymen with what seemed to be his email address a couple of weeks ago, but I got no reply to my request for advice.

Maybe using any channel list or method like this will cause me the same problems regarding favourites ... if so, I'll just stay as I am with old data in the channel list.


nosmo king
16-11-2008, 11:36 PM
Does it really have 20.000 channel space

Stuck on 9.997
It wont let me add anymore

How many transponders can you have
I know its not unlimited
As its run out of space as its telling me

Feed searching on hold
Till i figure this out

C-band transponders and sats out you go
Have they a use

17-11-2008, 06:43 PM
Stuck on 9.997
It wont let me add anymore

Thanks for this info.I was trying myself to count how many transponders this receiver hold.If you want to add more transponders to satellites,before hand you must to erase transponders from satellites you cant reach;for instance,those you cant reach:Measat,Asiasat2,Aap1,etc,af ter that you can add more transponders for satellites you want to receive!