View Full Version : tech 6900 combi ? no new soft availailab

06-11-2008, 07:31 PM
bought reciever about a year ago now we seem to have been forgotten re new soft for this box all about 6900 super any news re new soft can the super soft be used in standard 6900?

06-11-2008, 08:24 PM
the super had new updates as it had probblem the non super is ok and as no new channels have been open no need for a update , thats about it i have the non super and it does it all for me , when we need a update im sure we will get IT

06-11-2008, 09:12 PM
the super had new updates as it had probblem the non super is ok and as no new channels have been open no need for a update , thats about it i have the non super and it does it all for me , when we need a update im sure we will get IT

That is quite correct, far too many members automatically assume that because there is a software update for 6800/6900 Super Series, that there should also be a one for the 6800/6900 series, but that is not the case, as has already been stated there were problems with the Super series that had to be rectified, hence the latest updates.