View Full Version : Bugs in 6900 HD Combo Super ?

09-11-2008, 12:12 AM
Hello anyone who has a patched or unpatched TM-6900 HD Combo Super model.

I've had mine for a few days and, although having no replies to my request for guidance, managed to find out how to patch it. I'm using the patch in the topic above 'NewPatch TM 6000(Super) series (04/11/08)'.

Are there any little bugs that you have found with this model, either when patched or unpatched?

For example, sometimes my box will reboot when I select a channel in the channel menu. I haven't yet found a specific pattern to this behaviour.

Also, my box sometimes seems quite slow to unscramble a channel; it might take up to 5 seconds.

Finally for now, I noticed earlier that my box seemed to be 'slowing down' in terms of response after being on and in use for a few hours. The picture quality also seemed to be a little degraded. Switching it off and on at the back seemed to fix it for now.

Do any of you find these things or any others? Are any issues known in specific cir***stances maybe with tips on how to avoid them for now?
I haven't yet tried the official firmware to see if that is different.

Thanks a lot,

09-11-2008, 12:49 AM
Mine has Magic's patch of the end of September. I used Magic's channel list - as the advice not to use it came out after I did my set-up. (TM incidently didn't think it was the wrong thing to do).

I had 'fun' initially trying to get the 'favorites' function to work. After mastering it I haven't really used it as scrolling through the list leads to the box playing channels as you scroll through them before deciding on what to play. Annoying when it changes from one satellite to another without a selection being made.

Fidling around with the favorites function seemed to result in my losing the Thor satellite position. At that point I decided best not to make too much use of that function as restoring satellite positions is one thing I hate doing.

I have also tried to record to an external HD without a lot of success. Failed to record any HD programmes and SD programme recording works only occasionally.

I'm also finding that I can't open certain KD channels on 23.5 east despite high quality levels (64% yesterday), and a few others that used to open easily on my old echostar. So I suspect tuning sensitivity is not as good as with some other receivers.

Whilst the channel list options by TP, CAS etc are nice I have found inconsistencies in the channels listed. Some such as Digitalb Premiere disappear and I have to hunt through the various listing options to find them.

I have also found the box re-booting but that's when I'm looking through the EPG. It seems this particular problem might have been fixed in more recent Magic patches.

Picture and sound works well though, and it's nice to see HD programmes.

I have to confess I'm therefore a little disappointed with it. It seems to have quite a few glitches. Just possibly some are due to my unfamiliarity with TM equipment - others I suspect are due to bugs in the firmware.

09-11-2008, 08:13 AM
Hello teassoc and thanks for that.

It sounds then that some bugs do exist, although the few I mentioned may not particularly match yours.
Have you tried the official latest firmware? I'll probably give that a go for a day or so. It's not like I'm going to miss much without the patch anyway since the Nagra 3 infection ..... :(

Is it safe to assume that whoever makes the unofficial patches will be more than aware of any bugs, whether caused by the emu firmware or the official firmware?
Is it also safe to assume that Technomate know about any bugs in official firmware? Presumably we the users have to tell them, once sure they are not caused by the patching.

Something else I found tonight; I noticed on quite a lot of SD Astra 2 channels I could see hues and shades trying to resolve and being slightly blocky. I first wondered if it is a fault with the NDS Videoguard emulation because I was watching with my Sky card in the TM, but I also saw it on clear channels. I usually only expect to see _some_ blocking on Freeview channels.
I generally get the feeling my box runs slow or struggles a little for some reason or another.

Anyone else have any observations on any bugs?


10-11-2008, 10:26 AM
Hello again,

Just to add;
I'm currently focusing on the 'blocky' picture issue I described above. Seems the same with either latest official firmware or the patch.
I'm considering sending the box back, in fact.
Anybody else get slightly inferior pictures as I've described?


10-11-2008, 12:13 PM
Hello again,

Just to add;
I'm currently focusing on the 'blocky' picture issue I described above. Seems the same with either latest official firmware or the patch.
I'm considering sending the box back, in fact.
Anybody else get slightly inferior pictures as I've described?


Not had that problem.

Regarding my own PVR recording problem, I have been advised to re-format my HDD. Also better tuning has improved reception of channels I was missing. Still can't properly view KD Select Kino channels though.

Will be updating to new patch when I get a minute. That supposedly should sort out a few more niggles.

10-11-2008, 12:17 PM
In my experience, Odd hues and shades is always caused by feed back in your system - for instance - is your Sly box still connected in your system ?, Do you connect your TM Scart lead to a DVD/VCR Recorder and the output of same to your TV ?. I suggest you try running the TM with just the HDMI cable connected, to see if the Hues are still there.

10-11-2008, 01:28 PM
The only issue with my 6900 Super Combo is that the (Conax) HD channels seem to freeze once the cam gets hot. I have mentioned this problem previously but seem to be the only one with this issue. It's definatley a receiver problem as this does not occurr when using a Humax HDCI 2000.

10-11-2008, 03:43 PM
@ satman10 - Could be a number of reasons - Is it the 2900 getting too hot ?Have you measured the temp of your 6900 ?. Have you tried putting a fan in front of the CAM ?. If so does it still freeze ?. Do other CAMs work OK ?. Do other Free HD Channels work OK ?

10-11-2008, 03:45 PM
Thanks very much for those further replies.
I'm about to check for the problem using a more direct video connection. I've also been told elsewhere that my incoming signal may not be good enough; commonly 90% strength and 60/70% quality. Maybe this receiver needs more to work with.

I'll report back just in case others are finding the same issue.


10-11-2008, 07:56 PM
Hello again,

I'm learning that my 'blocky picture' problem may be because I am watching SD channels (with imperfect bit rate) on the HD receiver on my SD TV.
Is there something about watching previously 'ok' SD channels in this way that means you notice the blockiness?
If so, would a HD TV, connected in a certain way, not show the annoying issue?


11-11-2008, 06:01 PM
I have some progress to report. Seems from the short tests that I've made that I can manually record SD and HD programmes. Doesn't work through the EPG - will record as scheduled, but won't playback properly. Don't know whether most recent updates from Magic cure this?

This was after re-formatting my Westgate 500 GB drive to fat32 on my PC. Technomate told me that with the Super 6900 you can format through the receiver but I thought it safer to re-format through the PC. Mistake in the first place to format the HD as others have reported that it works straight out of the box.

As far as the Select Kino channels on 23 degrees East are concerned Technomate told me the super 6900 is supposed to be able to handle them automatically and without any special 'pilot on/off' instructions as I had been advised to try on another board.

I found that with better tuning I have been able to open the channels I had reporting having difficulty opening (some Digi channels on Thor).

11-11-2008, 09:31 PM
Hello again,

I found that with better tuning I have been able to open the channels I had reporting having difficulty opening (some Digi channels on Thor).

By 'better tuning', do you mean you added and searched a different frequency 1 or 2 MHz away from what the TM had found? I notice sometimes that receivers detect a frequency which slightly differs from what sites like lyngsat show as the actual frequency.


11-11-2008, 10:43 PM
I found that the TM6900 would scan in channels approx 3 units different from the actual official listings, ie, SR 27500 would be SR 27497 and the same for the frequencies.

This deviation was one of the reasons why TM6900 Super users started to use the custom lists specifically for the TM6900 Super. I noticed that channels that were previously giving poor signal quality then jumped up to approx 85% quality resulting in a lot more viewable channels.

As far as recording goes, I have just tested a Western Digital Passport drive (320gb) straight out of the box and directly onto the TM6900 Super without any formatting and it worked OK. I have tried the playback and it is also OK.

I have also tried out the TM6900 Super with a Diablo 2.3 cam and underworld 1.44 and all the expected channels on 1W are clearing. The only glitch being that the Canal+ Action movie channel sometimes locks up after a couple of hours but moving off the channel and back on clears it again. This does not seem to occur with the other channels or perhaps I have not used the Diablo 2.3 so much on other 1W channels. It does mean that I have to fast forward to the end of recordings to make sure they are OK with the Diablo but that is not a real deal breaker.


11-11-2008, 11:41 PM
Hello again,

By 'better tuning', do you mean you added and searched a different frequency 1 or 2 MHz away from what the TM had found? I notice sometimes that receivers detect a frequency which slightly differs from what sites like lyngsat show as the actual frequency.


@ Lee, no I was referring to the fine tuning function. Moving that fractionally one way or the other helped improve quality. Not rocket science of course.

You and moonbase are referring to something I hadn't thought of.

@ moonbase have you tested recording through the epg function? If you have, what version of firmware and Magic patch are you using?

12-11-2008, 02:43 AM
I can record using the EPG without any problems. I am using the Technomate firmware 6.60 and Magic Patch 6.63 with the custom channel list for the TM6900 Super.


12-11-2008, 05:25 PM
I can record using the EPG without any problems. I am using the Technomate firmware 6.60 and Magic Patch 6.63 with the custom channel list for the TM6900 Super.


@moonbase I updated to the latest patches. A short-test on recording suggests I can now successfully record through the EPG. Also set doesn't reboot when near the end of the TPs. So those most recent patches + re-formating the drive seem to have solved some if not all of the bugs. :respect-055:

12-11-2008, 06:47 PM
Nice one teassoc, get that Diablo in there and get some of that HD recorded to disk from 1W. The handy thing about the 1W Conax stuff is that it is all listed on the EPG so no messing about setting timers etc.

I used to think it would be a big blow when Premiere went but the HD stuff on 1W with the Diablo and the TM6900 is a good alternative.


12-11-2008, 07:38 PM
Nice one teassoc, get that Diablo in there and get some of that HD recorded to disk from 1W. The handy thing about the 1W Conax stuff is that it is all listed on the EPG so no messing about setting timers etc.

I used to think it would be a big blow when Premiere went but the HD stuff on 1W with the Diablo and the TM6900 is a good alternative.


Got the M2 + card so have been viewing those channels. Problem has been recording through the EPG. :)

12-11-2008, 10:46 PM
Managed to successfully record the whole of a film on Canal + HD using the EPG.

13-11-2008, 08:07 AM
I had some problems after patching with Magic firmware Channel clearing was very slow 10 seconds or more when I did a scan it would not find any channels on the satellite even thought it had received them before the scan. It wouldnt clear some packages even with the latest keys.
In the end I went back to the standard firmware and it started working correctly again. I then repatched it and all was fine this time.

19-11-2008, 01:08 AM
I have just downloaded the latest Technomate software version .6.64 for the TM-6900 HD Super Combo, in a failed attempt to correct the blind search problem.
This may be concidence but now the receiver will not display any softcam files held on the memory stick?!?

Does anyone have any ideas to fix this?

nosmo king
19-11-2008, 01:33 AM
Patch on ?

23-11-2008, 11:04 PM
I found that the TM6900 would scan in channels approx 3 units different from the actual official listings, ie, SR 27500 would be SR 27497 and the same for the frequencies.

This deviation was one of the reasons why TM6900 Super users started to use the custom lists specifically for the TM6900 Super. I noticed that channels that were previously giving poor signal quality then jumped up to approx 85% quality resulting in a lot more viewable channels.

Hello Moonbase and everyone;

I also find this issue with the Symbol Rates being scanned in slightly off on some transponders. But does it have an impact on reception / signal quality? In doing this, is the TM in fact finding the 'exact' Symbol Rate rather than rounding it up to what we expect it to be?

I haven't yet thoroughly investigated this or manually forced in the supposed 'exact' Symbol Rates.
Nor have I checked if all or most of the found frequencies are the same as those shown on Lyngsat.


26-11-2008, 10:23 AM
The TM6900 is most certainly NOT scanning in the exact symbol rate. The TM tuners are noted for their inability to correctly scan symbol rates and frequencies.

26-11-2008, 10:56 AM
I had a problem yesterday deleting a transponder on Astra. I was using the Advance Search feature and trying to delete a TP on Astra but it kept popping back as a TP. That's after I confirmed deletion. Strange. still can't remove it so I can re-scan.

26-11-2008, 03:59 PM
Hello Moonbase and Teassoc; re your replies above;

I'm now working based on using Satpaul's channel list from the 4th and, unless I'm imagining it, the pictures do indeed look better with the exact Symbol Rates which his list contains. I don't know if any frequency corrections in his list are also causing a picture improvement.
Do such things really improve reception and picture? It seems so.

I don't know how to avoid these inaccuracies returning when I/we later do blind or 'navigated' scans.

I find that transponder deletion bug too. A similar bug seems to exist if you want to delete a satellite.
Presumably we need to use the Clarke Tech editor to manually do much of this stuff.

Did I/we buy a poor receiver here over the non-super version?
Also, somebody on another forum has stopped using theirs or sent it back, on the grounds they are getting poorer signal levels than they were previously.
I haven't carefully checked yet if the levels improve when using exact frequencies and Symbol Rates, but it initially appears they haven't increased.

I've yet to ever own a satellite receiver without bugs, although my experience is only 4 ... I don't know why they usually seem to have them. Dare I say, the S*y digibox seems to have the most bugless operation, although I appreciate they offer far less functionality than others.


26-11-2008, 10:15 PM

Satpaul knows EACTLY what he's about M8 - thats why!

28-11-2008, 01:28 PM
Hello everyone

I been reading all your comments about the bugs about this receiver it seem very interesting
A couples weeks ago I decide to buy the 6800 Super,my first receiver had a faulty tuner,as i wasn't able to receive anything at all,the second it would turn on and off on his own with no reason,so i guess a faulty PSU,now i got my third receiver finaly this work.
My first impression is unlucky twice lucky the third time,but i'm furius and very dissapointed about the performance,to many bugs as usualy to be expected when a receiver is new.
I would like to know if anyone notest this sintom,the HDMI is not detected automatic,this imput would give nice sound and a better quality immage,well that's the reason for having HIGH DEF receiver,instead i have to fidle to find the imput on my TV,so is HDMI auto,because i can't see anything on the menu,why there is an imput in there when you have to manualy assign every time you turn the receiver on and off ,by putting the scart you get the auto switching,but i notest the sound it is very poor and so it is the Immage,so you loose the quality of HIGH DEF,what i would like to know is it a software bug or is it an hardware problem?
I know my HDMI output it is working because i can put anything else in there and it has an auto switch,this receiver don't want to know
I can record with an external HD with no problem i can receive anything i want the internal cas it is working very well it reconise any card ,and it is working good with the diablo Cam very well.
the latest firmware it is also very buggy,using HDMI it is flashing every time i go to the menu,or change channel.
this firmware was issue a few days ago,im not sure but i guess the 18 of november.
I thing the only good thing that i like is the patch to be onest

there is still to many things to be sorted ,and I'm not very pleased,this is not the best receiver in the world, i get a better sound and immage on my Echostar 7000.
well this is my opinion of course
I hope I did not offend anyone,if I did ,i can only appoligise

regards dxman

28-11-2008, 09:13 PM
Problem is - its a mega competetive market in satellite technology - and maybe this TM series has been brought out prematurely, why for instance did we have a 68 & 69 HD Combo very rapidly followed by the Super series - and as has been said above, we are STILL having 'ongoing' improvements added, e.g. the latest 664 patch which allows M2+ smart cards to be read in the stb slots now - plus it allows sound to work consistently unlike earlier patches, yet we were always led to believe it was the cams or cards fault, when we can now see it MUST have been the TM!:respect-051:

29-11-2008, 10:38 AM
Yesterday I bought an m2+ card programmed it, put it straight into the card slot, hey presto canal+filmHD brilliant picture was superb.After five minutes tho' it scrambled and up came invalid card.I switched off then on the receiver as usual and the same situation repeated itself.I reprogrammed the card again and still the same,dodgy card I thought.I enterd a new channel list that would stop the rebooting of rx when I attempted to enter a new transpnder on a satellite(a common problem with the TM6900 super) rebooted and couldnt get ANY signal from ANY satellite....strange.Adding the new list must have totally confused the rx cause this morning everything is working perfectly even with the m2+ card.....buggy or what!:respect-039:

29-11-2008, 11:39 AM
Well so far mine is working ok 'live', but last night I tried recording off Canal+ Films HD channel to PVR and after several mins it kept freezing and then the picture finally totally froze even though the sound continued ok - so for ME the recording probs as detailed previously by Teassoc and others still exist!:confused:

29-11-2008, 11:46 AM
So I'm still experiencing PVR probs on 1W as above, but forgot to ask baddog - make sure you have NO cams in your TM because mine only works efficiently with NO other cams present!
E.G. when I left the Conax cam in (but without the M2+ card in it as its now in TM slot) or with Dragon cam in as I sometimes use that when some packages on that but not TM (e.g. *** on D channels etc) very few HD Conax channels opened as there was obviously a conflict there!:respect-055:

29-11-2008, 05:19 PM
Hi Holmroad, I didnt have any cams in the rx when I had my problems but since repatched my rx with the lastest file and now everything is fine and zapping between channels is quick as well.:king-041:

29-11-2008, 07:50 PM
Fair comment M8 - but recorded brill film today which jerked a lot, was watchable - just!

Any one else have probs 'moving channels' - I find screen keeps going intermittently blank, very frustrating:bravo-009:

29-11-2008, 09:00 PM
Holmroad, Ive not had any problems with the screen going blank but I do occassionally get audio/video stutters but this is not during any recordings. This is probably key changes within the card.:D

30-11-2008, 12:32 AM
Not talking about the card M8 - just about when in the Editing Channels menu - I find I cant click straight down a whole list without temporary pauses or black screens before it shows the selected channel page to allow me to continue my selections! Very frustrating!:confused:

30-11-2008, 03:38 AM
hello mate ,i notest by moving the channel it is very slow on my 6800 super ,it never use to be with the older firmware,i don't think is the patch either,but as i mention the latest firmware as more bugs then the older,i always trust the original firmware,but the latest it is absolutely rubbish,as i mention before when ever I go to the menu or change channels it start flashing like if there is fireworks,but it is only with the HDMI,with the scart it seem to be ok,so you are not the only one with problems ,i realy wish they solve the HDMI issuer

25-12-2008, 10:28 PM

Just wanting to clarify and ask a little about known existing bugs in the TM-6900 HD Combo Super.

1) The seemingly random rebooting when operating the receiver.
Has anyone found a consistent pattern for this, or a firmware release / patch that doesn't do it? I haven't yet managed to work anything out.

2) The issue where Blind Scan (for example) often reads in Symbol Rates as slightly different to what they apparently should be, such as 27497 rather than 27500.
Has anyone concluded if this actually has any impact on the received signal? I'm not convinced it makes any difference to the picture or sound quality if I 'correct' the rates using the Clarke Tech Editor Studio.

Thanks for your experiences and thoughts,

07-01-2009, 12:27 AM
Hello again,

No thoughts on the above? Is it really just me and dxman who have units we are not happy with?
I assume most of you are only interested in being able to view hacked channels and watch free football etc.

Is it only me, for example, who sometimes finds the unit reboots/crashes when using 'Move Channels' or 'Delete Channels'?

Please confirm if you have similar or specific problems, so I/we can hopefully remove this cloak of ambiguity where some say the unit is excellent and others do not.
It is probably helpful for consistency that you try either the latest official firmware release or the latest patch, presumably from this site's Firmware section.

It might also be relevant to explain your typical viewing set up, in case that makes a difference.

Having said the above, I haven't found a significant difference between using various viewing setups, or various recent firmware releases/patches.

Thanks a lot again and here's hoping,


07-01-2009, 09:16 AM
I don't have problems with rebooting at all, but i'm using my own channel list - first i do scan on TM, then upload to USB stick and edit in C-Tech editor studio (must be latest version, previous has problem with "super"). I don't change anything in frequencies and SR, just sorting channels and FAVs.

Regarding wrong SR (it's always -3) i think receiver has some kind of tolerance +/-3 and when it first get signal it saves it straight away. I would say it's cosmetic issue. I'm more dissapointed with remowal of detailed scan in recent os versions. Ideally i would like to have same BS options as it was in TM1500S .

Biggest problem for me is no support for polish Cyfra+ card. It is working , but not updating keys - shame really because it's working almost on any receiver on the market.

Another one is ustable 8281 option - not to be discussed here.

Overall i give it 8 of 10, once all problems are sorted it would be 10/10.

07-01-2009, 12:29 PM
the bugs variously mentioned here are to do with the patched versions of the firmware.

i have recently bought a tm 6900 super hd combo with 500gb hdd - so brand new to me.

noticed people talking of reboots after deleting / editing channels etc. sure enough when i did my own edits / deletes i got the same problems with an additional one - playback of recorded material on HDD problematic.

so, instead of the patched firmware i had put on - i put the latest official Technomate firmware 668 for techno 6900 super usb pvr on - problems vanished - obviously i don't have softcam now working in the techno - since the official firmware somehow doesn't support this - so i rely on my diablo 2.3 - which works exceptionally well in this techno.

I am very impressed with this piece of kit - but the instruction book that comes with it is appallingly bad

07-01-2009, 07:38 PM
Hello and thanks, kuba and Ghoulie.

Two interesting points there especially, about some bugs being caused by using an unsuitable channel editor and/or patched firmware. I'm certainly going to look into both options.
In the meantime, is there anyone else who can back up or agree with those views? I don't mean to be rude, kuba and Ghoulie, but you know how these issues can be a minefield of confusion and very personal perceived conclusions.

Re: the Symbol Rate issue;
It seems only to happen with Blind Scan. Auto Navigation seems not to have the issue.
It also seems to me that the issue is just 'cosmetic' as kuba says, in that it doesn't impact on actual reception. Does anyone else agree?

Can I also check then, please,

1) Specifically which Channel Editor is best for the TM-6900 HD Combo Super? I am using a Clark Tech Editor Studio which says it is by Cecelife and v3.08
I can't recall specifically where I found it, maybe on satpimps.
I have noticed, however, that it doesn't seem fully compatible with this receiver, in one or two small ways in which the channel list is processed. Maybe this can itself cause crashing/rebooting bugs along the lines of what kuba was saying?
Is there instead a better or official Technomate editor designed specifically for this receiver? I haven't yet found one and I appreciate an official one may be much more basic in functionality anyway, as seems to be the way with official editors. (Maybe for good reason ... ??)

2) Am I using the right page for official downloads;
I assume I cannot post the live link, although I have to try to do so in one way or another:-

wxw.technomate dot com/software_updates.php?model=TM-6900+HD+Super++Usb+Pvr+Ready

Thanks very much again,

08-01-2009, 10:58 AM
your correct there m8 on the right place for official firmware downloads.

can't help you on channel editor - never used one - nor can i see a reason why i need to. i look at what is scanned from the sat & decide myself whether to keep or delete via the normal techno delete / edit.

what's so good about a channel editor?

09-01-2009, 05:12 AM
Thanks again, Ghoulie.

what's so good about a channel editor?

They can be useful with receivers that don't give many user options in the actual unit. eg, sometimes you cannot do a channel sort which is actually 'saved', and you usually get more sorting and editing options in an editor.
The basic principle, as you probably know, is you download the channel list from the receiver to your pc (one way or another), load it in the software editor program, do your adjustments, re-save it, then upload it back to the receiver.

I agree that the 6900 has pretty flexible user options, including channel move, delete etc, and you/I probably don't really need to use a channel editor. It can, however, make routine or frequent 'jobs' less tedious and quicker.

Using an editor with this receiver has been handy for me, for such things like more easily correcting the scanned Symbol Rates (whether actually necessary or not), and being able to sort/move/delete channels without being annoyed by the crashing and rebooting I/we discussed.
I also like to change the channel names to 'all uppercase', which is an option provided in the Clark Tech Editor Studio.

It does, however, seem to have/cause some small sorting issues with Terrestrial Digital channels. I'm not surprised, seeing as it is not specifically designed for this receiver.
I was surprised, however, not to find a specific tailored editor for this receiver.


24-01-2009, 11:34 AM
Hello again,

On the bugs issues, something of an update and request for others' news;

The latest 669p patch from this site (and presumably others) seems to have removed the crashing and rebooting problems when moving/deleting channels. Seems that way to me anyway. So thanks to whoever makes the patches, presumably 'Magic/Magik' ?
Can anyone else confirm they too are now having a better experience on this?

One other bug to mention, which isn't new;
(at the time of writing I haven't checked if it's just in the patches or official firmware)
Doing a Terrestrial scan deletes any previous digital terrestrial channels which don't happen to be transmitting a signal at the time of doing the new scan. This includes channels sharing the same frequency on a time sharing basis.
If you want to maintain a full list and avoid this problem, you have to open 'before' and 'after' channel lists in two instances of the Clark Tech editor and cut/paste the relevant channels from one list to the other. This obviously isn't ideal. :)

(In general, I think it would be good if all kinds of scan gave you a list of detected 'dead' channels, so you can choose to remove some or all of them if you know you want to.)

On the Blind Scan Symbol Rate bug, I haven't recently checked if Blind Scan still often reads in slightly wrong symbol rates. Of late I tend to not bother with Blind Scan in favour of the similar Auto Navigation, which doesn't have the symbol rate problem. Maybe somebody else can confirm if the problem still exists in Blind Scan.
I would imagine it does, however.


03-03-2009, 12:13 PM
I too am having terrible blind scan problems with my 6900HD Combo super. It seems you can only blind scan 6 or 7 satellites before the tp memory fills up. After that if you try to add a tp or blind scan it just switches off. You can still do a preset scan. This is not good and the problem is caused by insufficient memory in the receiver. These days RAM/flash memory is pretty cheap so its not acceptable. I have tried all the different software from Techno and magic plus done a time-consuming factory reset and start all over again. Next I am trying to edit out some tps with the clarke editor....but this is not good enough from Technomate....one of the ideas of Blind Scan is its supposed to SAVE you time....Technomate, please up your memory or find a way to divert the tp storage memory to usb stick before the box crashes. Picture quality is good, 8281 is very difficult if not impossible to use...and keying in the info with the remote takes way too long as well......how about a usb keyboard interface? Big thanks to Magic / Darkman.

03-03-2009, 02:53 PM
Blind scan: finding out non standard transmissions (feedhunting). Don't thinks this was for mass scanning satellites. It does handle 3 satellite possitions 19.2, 23.5 & 28.2-5, can't test this further (fixed disch). After a blind scan. I dump the channellist on a USB stick. Using the Clark Tech Editor Studio 3.08 selecting all empty transponders and throwing these away. When a new transponder becomes known (listings website) I use the Installation > Pid search.