View Full Version : Hello

09-11-2008, 03:17 PM
Hello everybody,

it is my first time in a forum and i do not realy know how it works and what to do to get help.

I just bought a DM7020 and install Gemini 4.20 and ccCam 2.0.9 with newCs1.60
Everything is working with Network but
I own a LEGAL version 4 NOVA-Greece card and that i used with my previous decoder and i want to decode Nova chanels using my regular subscription.
I can not understand what to do in order to make my card it work with my Dreambox.
Can somebody help me?

09-11-2008, 06:09 PM
Hi m8 and welcome I do not know you box m8 but ask in the sub forum for your box here.

Regards BigDave

10-11-2008, 01:24 PM
Welcome m8 hope you enjoy your stay here.:respect-050:

10-11-2008, 07:37 PM
hello, i can vouch for the helpfullness that the satpimp members show to newcomers