View Full Version : Big problem with system

09-11-2008, 11:50 PM
hey i have a technomate 5200D Super and it worked before but whenever i put the cabling for the lnb in the back and look for a signal it gives me nothing... well not nothing but the signal is jumping from 75 to 40 to 74 to 32 to whatever. you get the idea!. anyway i have checked my cabling and no wires are crossing. i have tried the cabling in my technomate 3100d and i get perfect signal when i enter the installation in the menu. i am figuring it is a problem with the reciever and nothing else and when i use my sateillite finder on the 5200d it gives me no power but when i plug it into the 3100d it lights up like a christmas tree.

ps. i have the lnb power on and it is set to the correct settings..

any other ideas?

10-11-2008, 12:05 AM
Try it on another dish or get a mate to try his STB on your dish.

My guess is your dish is out of alignment.

Move any 2.4GHz kit away from the cable (DECT phone, WiFi, TV sender, etc).

10-11-2008, 12:08 AM
i am using the same cable on both recievers i tried the 5200d with the cable from the dish and it didnt work then i tried putting that cable into the 3100d and i had the full signal and was able to tune in everything no problem.