View Full Version : Some things I have found on the HD 8000

12-11-2008, 01:41 PM
Well,basically some things that i find convenient to do.
Maybe others already use this methods,but works well for me.

Taking advantage of the unit connected to the network and you being able to ftp,you woudn't need a serial connection or USB stick to update anything,as long as you have a hdd.

In the software manager,you can save the channels files and the key files.
Once this files are in the hdd,you can retrieve them using ftp and edit using the programs in the pc,without the use of a serial cable.
After edit,you can just send them back to the hdd and replace the ones you have,or add them using a different name.
Then you can use the RECOVER button and select this new file to update channel list.

For the key file,you can retrieve using ftp,also edit and send it back in the same way.
Then you go to PVR settings and go into hdd (or usb if you use external drive) and select the new key file,and will update it pressing ok,unit will reboot and you will have all updated.

Same case for updating firmware,you can send new firmware to the hdd,and selecting it from hdd will update the unit.

All can be done by just having the network cable connected,and you can forget about serial and usb stick for updates.

But maybe you all knew this already.(I don;t see it posted,disregard if is a double post)