View Full Version : Euro:1080?

Tony Baker
12-11-2008, 09:17 PM
After Euro:1080 moved from Astra over to Eutelsat:3A in October I altered the settings on my Humax HDCI:2000.
Next I did a rescan and it all came in loud and clear. However, they have recently made a couple of further changes to their HD transmisson as listed here:-

Euro:1080 HD on W3 Eutelsat

Frequency 10.879 vertical

Symbool 17.360

Fec 8/9

Even tho' I'm getting a 70% Signal reading along with a 100% Quality on all SD Chns on the Humax:2000,-I'm still not getting anything at all on any of the Euro:1080 HD Chans!!!!!!!!!

I have contacted the Euro:1080 HQ in Belgium about this today,--Their advice? Check your settings!!!!!!!!!!

So does anyone have an answer?? Rgds, TB

12-11-2008, 10:17 PM
Hi Tony Baker,

Just looked on (*********) its (8PSK).
HD 3, Eutelsat W3A (7.0e), 10880-V-17460-3/4.


Tony Baker
12-11-2008, 11:19 PM
Thanks B/Foot,

Maybe I should have mentioned that the HD Euro:1080 Freq details which I copied and posted in my previous post were exactly as sent to me today from the Belgian Euro HQ!

However, I have just tried putting them in once again along with trying the settings which you have posted as well, for which I thank you. But sadly all to no avail,- so still no Euro HD signal!!

Rgds, TB

12-11-2008, 11:21 PM
The signal is week only just get it on a 1.2 metre dish

Tony Baker
12-11-2008, 11:54 PM

I'm using a C/Master 1.2M dish with a .3 LNB and as I'm right on the edge of the Sth Coast the Euro HD signal is usually way up!

So if you're getting a signal in Lincoln even though it's weak on E/3A I'd be very interested to know what your settings are?

Rgds, TB

13-11-2008, 10:18 AM
I am getting this in North Herts on 1.5 IRTE prime focus 0.3 Inverto LMB
on TM6800 the settings are 17360 8/9 QPSK Pilot OFF the Qulity 63%
it is a scrambled signal in Irdeto that I cant resolve. there are 3 chanels HD1-HD3& EXQI sport

Tony Baker
14-11-2008, 02:20 PM
I am now getting all Euro:1080 HD Chns on Eutelsat 3A after a lot of messing around! But only after receiving this 2nd set of Transmision details from the Euro:1080 HQ.
Dear Sir,
Please note, that we have changed thedulation of the HD signal in order to improve the quality. The new settings are:

Freq: 10.880 Mhz

Symbol rate: 13.333


FEC: 4/5


Pol: V

You will need to rescan in order to find the signal.


These details posted for anyone else who might be having a problem! TB

14-11-2008, 03:06 PM
guess i need a bigger dish other than my 85cm Penta!! can only get 32% on TM6900....but it is cloudy...ill play another day

14-11-2008, 09:48 PM
Hi Tony Baker,

Pleased you have it now, good viewing.

@satkitten..When you say (32%) do you mean,
32% Sig Strength or Quality.

Its the Quality that counts, most digi STBs (Black Screen) at
around (17%) or lower Signal quality.

you will get a Sig Strength reading of (32%) even if your dish
was pointing at the ground.


14-11-2008, 10:30 PM
Many thanks Tony.

I've got a 64cm dish on the south coast. I'm getting 86% signal strength and 39% signal quality but not enough to get a picture on the HD2/5 promo channel. Almost...

Tony Baker
15-11-2008, 12:39 AM
I'm using a Humax HDCI:2000 with a Euro 1080 card in a Powercam-Pro. My readings for both the HD:1 & HD:3 Chn's are 17% Signal and 45% Quality. However, for a normal SD channel such as M6:Suisse I'm getting 45% Signal and 100% Quality.
With the new Euro HD freq's inserted I was able to scan in 4 Euro HD Chan's HD:1, HD:3, EXQI Sport, HD:2/5. But since the rescan I am unable to get HD:2/5 the Euro 1080 24hr HD FTA Channel TB

23-11-2008, 11:29 PM
thanks for comment...i was referring to quality.....but im lookinging into replacing the Strong 0.2 lnb i bought with the dish..ive put my old **** 0.6lnb up instead....hence a bit of quality...now to find a matched lnb to got with the Fracarro Penta 85cm.....good dish...but as it is good at removing side lobe interference i think i will only need a 0.6/0.5 lnb....to low a figure and the weaker sats/tps get killed.....