View Full Version : Time on DM800HD

16-11-2008, 11:33 AM
I am growing increasingly frustrated at the time setting on my DM. I set the time zone for London but the clock is 1 hr ahead, so I set the time zone for GMT Casablanca and the time is OK but for only a short time as it constantly returns to 1 hr ahead, surely there must be a way to set the clock, after all it is one of the most basic requirements.
Another problem I've had, I don't know if it's related but I had set the record timer to start 15mins before the start of the program and to stop recording 15mins after it ended. I checked the clock and it had reverted back to 1hr ahead, so I checked the timer and it had also moved ahead 1hr to compensate, however the recording started 15mins before but it ended 10 mins before the end of the program!!!!

Anyone know what is going on, am I missing something somewhere???


16-11-2008, 11:44 AM
i have that problem the way i get over it is scroll through the time dates back forth then come back to GMT shutdown/reboot that'll set it to the correct timezone.

be aware though i've discovered that certain channels reset the timezone when accessing them in particular digitaal satellite on 19.2E (it's such an effing pain innit)

regards: canthackit

16-11-2008, 04:25 PM
It is a pain, if channels reset the time zone then surely it must be a software problem which needs to be fixed!!


16-11-2008, 06:50 PM
yes mate on all images, it's the same.

regards: canthackit

16-11-2008, 08:14 PM
yep same prob here.

16-11-2008, 09:09 PM
same here

16-11-2008, 10:32 PM
Recon we have all had the same problem and gave up in the end m8.

Regards BigDave

17-11-2008, 02:30 PM
same here dont waist your time.
for me i think its a hardware problem, the motherboard is missing something

19-11-2008, 06:22 PM
I was told by someone in the gemini board that it's a problem to do with the enigma2 software. So hopefully that will get sorted at some point, in which case it'll work fine :)