View Full Version : Should this happen?

16-11-2008, 11:01 PM
I set up my new system today, a 80cm dish with 1 LNB @ astra 19.2 deg., 1 @ Hotbird 13deg and a QUAD Titanium 0.2dB LNB for 28 degrees, all went well so I thought, but when I turn over channels on 28degress on my DB it interferes with the sly+ box downstairs, I am using a Technomate Diseqc switch for the DB. Is this a common occurrence, is the switching frequency interfering with the sly box, has anyone else had this occur to them

Any help appreciated


17-11-2008, 12:18 AM
Would be nice with more information... This quad how is it connected...? Do you have the sly+ connected via a loop?

Best regards!

17-11-2008, 11:00 AM
The sly+ box is connected directly to two ouputs on the quad LNB, the DB is connected via a 4 way Diseqc switch to the LNB'S, I will try the setup again tonight with a Humax 5400 in place of the Dreambox.

18-11-2008, 09:12 PM
I have mine connected to two different 4x1 switches and sky + with no interference anywhere.

18-11-2008, 09:37 PM
I have an 80cm with a Quad on Hotbird 13E, a Quad on Astra 19E and an Octo on 28E. 3 off 4x1 switches and a Sly+ directly onto the Octo.

No crostalk problems here.

Try disconnecting one box at a time and see what happens or borrow a m8s STB to see which combination is giving problems.

18-11-2008, 10:16 PM
Her indoors is not best pleased with my work at the weekend, only when I switch onto the quad lnb with the Dreambox do I have the problem on the sly box, After a lot of reading on the net it looks more & more likely that its the quad LNB that’s the cause of the interference,

Anybody recommend a good Quad LNB to try?