View Full Version : ur 14

18-11-2008, 09:14 PM
Installed ur14 and connected through tcc 7.1 and dcc using router.Downloaded channel settings through drembox edit.When I go to ftp nothing showing although box connected through router okay.I want to install cccam cfg file.Any help much appreciated.Previously used andromeda image with no problems.

18-11-2008, 10:13 PM
Have you set a password if not set one and try again


19-11-2008, 08:38 PM
Thanks for the advice.Put admin in as password for dcc and tcc7 and now okay.Where do you put the cccam config file.

19-11-2008, 09:21 PM
maybe obvious but wouldnt you be better downloading the ccam from the web updates ?

cccam config file usually goes in var/etc

19-11-2008, 09:21 PM
Thanks for the advice.Put admin in as password for dcc and tcc7 and now okay.Where do you put the cccam config file.



19-11-2008, 10:03 PM
Downloaded cccam from the web but I cannot find cccam config file.My m8 asked me if the tm9100 allows me to add a c line like his dreambox 500s as he is using gemini 4.2 with cccam 3.09 If I cannot do it fair enough.

19-11-2008, 10:11 PM
Downloaded cccam from the web but I cannot find cccam config file.My m8 asked me if the tm9100 allows me to add a c line like his dreambox 500s as he is using gemini 4.2 with cccam 3.09 If I cannot do it fair enough.

You need to get ccam 2.0.10 from your box by downloading it via the addons menu. Then you will find or should find the ccam.cfg file in var/etc when you use your FTP program. The TM9100 allows you to add/do what your wanting, yes.

19-11-2008, 11:12 PM
Thanks for all the advice.

20-11-2008, 09:13 AM
The cccam.cfg file was not showing so I ftp a cccam.cfg file to var/bin and changed attributes to 755.Is this correct or should it go in var/addons.Sorry about the hassle but this could help me greatly if it works.

20-11-2008, 12:16 PM
cccam cfg goes into var/etc as said before, Dunc.

20-11-2008, 01:29 PM
The cccam.cfg file was not showing so I ftp a cccam.cfg file to var/bin and changed attributes to 755.Is this correct or should it go in var/addons.Sorry about the hassle but this could help me greatly if it works.

every answer you have had up to now has said var/etc

so I have no idea why you cannot follow such a simple instruction , and then try var/bin or var/addons or any other var folder

will larger red letters help ;)


20-11-2008, 01:33 PM
Okay found it and entered the c line.Thanks for the help I should maybe stick to what I am used to,either a ur image or andromeda.

20-11-2008, 01:41 PM
Okay found it and entered the c line.Thanks for the help I should maybe stick to what I am used to,either a ur image or andromeda.

is always a good tactic , but an even better one is to actually read and follow what others tell you , to the letter , dot and punctuation mark if necessary :)

and this was a UR image !!!

I sometimes struggle myself on this box , but by asking questions and fully reading the answers given I usually manage it myself , just like you have

but when 3 or 4 ppl tell you var/etc and its the only one you havent tried then you have to ask yourself are you actually reading and following exactly , the answers given ? ;)

glad its working for you but seemed to be going round the houses here for no reason I could fathom out

20-11-2008, 04:08 PM
In most images everything can be downloaded within the image itself so probably better to ask how thats done first when you change image :respect-050:

For future reference in UR press Blue Button twice to get to there download panel, first thing you then need to do is go to "Download Panel/settings" then "Download Latest Control Panel" when its downloaded exit panel completely then open again and your have everything you need on tap

I would have thought EDG or DS would be better for you as your get much more info on the skin about what cccam is doing


20-11-2008, 09:59 PM
TNT m8, He did say that he used andromeda so he won't see the info that other images show.

bobbydee, Use this in your config file :-

ZAP OSD TIME : 3 ; time in secs
OSD PASSWORD : password ; your box password

When you change channels you will get the info you want.

20-11-2008, 10:12 PM
Yes M8 thats why I said he might be better off with EDG or DS


20-11-2008, 10:49 PM
I use EDGE 4.2 and cannot fault it. :applause-003:

21-11-2008, 05:02 PM
My m8 is using a dm500 s for doing what we cannot talk about.When you all said var/etc I thought you all new it was a simple procedure and did not realise there was a etc in the ftp part of the programme.Working 12 hr nights just now and not a good idea to mess with the 9100 without much sleep.You miss the simpliest things.Once again thanks for all your help.