View Full Version : Tech 6900 & Diablo cam

19-11-2008, 11:00 AM
As an owner of a Humax iCord that is having problems with the Diablo cam since UW 129,could I please pose the following question to 6900owners. Does it work with the latest firmware in the Diablo? I have been offered a good deal on the Technomate but will buy only if it will work on the cam. Any advice greatly received.TMULL

19-11-2008, 11:06 AM
It works a treat m8 :)

No issues at all as far as I'm concerned.

19-11-2008, 12:04 PM
The Diablo works fine with my TM 6900 Super but make sure you get the newer Super version...there are still a lot of the older models (non super)for sale at knock down prices.
Regards, James.

Don't think there are any issues with the standard 6900 and Diablo it is just that it is a newer model.

19-11-2008, 12:40 PM
I do have some issues though (I have the old TM6900). When I watch a HD channel at 1W sometimes picture freeze but the sound keep going. When I change channel and go back to the channel I was watching the picture comes back. Not so nice if I am recording a program. But the most serious problem is the receiver reboots itself every now and then when I watch C+ Film HD. This can happen several times during a movie. Record a movie under these cir***stances is of course impossible.

I have Diablo 2.3 with underworld 1.45.

19-11-2008, 06:15 PM
My receiver will not open anything on i W. I have to keep going baclk to UW 129 but that opens very little now. I think I may go for the 6900 as the price seems good.TMULL

19-11-2008, 08:30 PM
Worth taking into consideration the upcoming card change for 1W which will most likely kill the current diablo emu... :(

However, something else is bound to be open on diablo before too long.

01-12-2008, 05:53 PM
I now own a Technomate 6900 hd combo,aquired from a mate that is getting the 6900 Super for the Blind Search. My iCord is downgraded to second place as it was my biggest mistake in twenty years in the sat scene. TMULL