View Full Version : Monobloc - In Theory......

19-11-2008, 06:02 PM
Moved my 6 degree monobloc (ex 13/19E) to 1W for Digi. In theory, does this mean I should be able to get either 7W (presuming a large dish) or Sirius at 5E?

19-11-2008, 06:49 PM

The 6 degree thing refers to the absolute positions of the two satellites. In reality that changes slightly depending on your location but not usually enough to cause a great loss of signal.

Edit 1: Just done a few sums and although it looks at two Sats that are 6 degrees apart around the Clarke Belt the real angle between HB and Astra1 as viewed from say London is 7.5 degrees.

There is hidden text in here - don't ask me why


19-11-2008, 07:16 PM
moved thread to the correct forum

as for 6 degree monoblocks , they are designed for 6 degree spacing on an 80cm dish , and results can vary on smaller or bigger dishes due to the length of the lnb arm , meaning the arm may need to be lengthened or shortened to get prime focus on both lnb,s

19-11-2008, 07:24 PM
okay guys, thanks for the info. Think the best thing to do will be to have a play around with it this weekend.