View Full Version : dm800 subservices

19-11-2008, 06:09 PM
Is it possible to view the subservices available, I dont think I have ever seen them before, I read the green button should bring them up?

How is it possible to view them subservices if you have a HDD installed on gemini 3.8?
Because having a HDD installed changes your coloured buttons:

red= record
green = quickbutton

is it possible to programme the green quickbutton with another function as subservices? I cant seem to see it in the list though

19-11-2008, 06:21 PM
Sub services use to work on premier channels and still do if you still get them. Those other buttons don't work unless you viewing a recording. Yellow button is timeshift. So green button on premier sports portal (long press) brought up the sub menu.


19-11-2008, 06:26 PM
Also, green button on gemini images load the e2 plugins (such as update etc)...