View Full Version : CIFS ????............

18-11-2008, 08:22 PM
Look in the xml and see what bitrates for each format are set to I have AVIs set 6000 using MPEG 1, any higher and I get problems also using MPEG 2 at that rate gives problems also


Thats great many thanks -- if you wanna record from the Dreambox to your CIFS HD - I take it the DM800 know sthe CIFS when you select rec ?

19-11-2008, 02:12 PM
Forgot to mention theres no point trying to stream hi def stuff from PC > DM800 because vlcf only supports 704x576 (I think) even if you add a higher res in the xml it will still only send it at 704x576

Thats great many thanks -- if you wanna record from the Dreambox to your CIFS HD - I take it the DM800 know sthe CIFS when you select rec ?

When you record movies they go into what ever folder you have set, on my box its /hdd/movie, when I want to use CIFS I unmount my on board hdd using the unmount in mount manager then I mount the pc drive using CIFS

The pc folder you mount to should have the folder movie inside so when you mount to your hdd folder on your dm800 this becomes /hdd/movie except its now movie on your pc drive, even if you ftp to your dm and go in /hdd/movie your actually be in your pc movie folder

Hope that makes sense :respect-051:


19-11-2008, 04:41 PM
Yea makes sense -- will try later -- Many thanks!:king-041:

20-11-2008, 03:01 AM
Can see what ya saying TNT -- but your basing that on a diff. box -- maybe I post some pics of the DM800 image im using and the Root setup -


20-11-2008, 02:12 PM
its in the mnt folder mate./var/mnt/hdd/movie

20-11-2008, 02:16 PM
yea thought so -- but forgot to do a reboot as was not showing! Thanks Ian

IS there a way to Edit apart from using the remote control ?

20-11-2008, 03:37 PM
ok partly my fault the save path for movies is /hdd/movie but this isn't important for setting up CIFS in mount manager

If you look at your screenshot of root the hdd folder has a link (shown by the arrow) if you FTP to your box and select that its will take you to the same place

In the mount manager window where its says "Local dir" you put


But because of what we just talked about you could also put




If you enter any of those the point that your pc share gets mounted locally will be the hdd directory, but as I said you only need to put /hdd

What you need to add in mount manager is on page 4 of the pdf I gave the link for in the other thread

Don't forget to save your settings when done


20-11-2008, 05:50 PM

If on my PC I have multiple drives - Do I have to use the drive Path F:/ Etc ?

20-11-2008, 05:59 PM
No you don't just the name of the share folder on your PC mine happens to be on F:/

I'll give you some more info in a minute as I'm just about to eat some grub :)


20-11-2008, 06:18 PM
Its working I think ..... :Dhttp://i33.tinypic.com/b7c8kk.jpg Recording CNBC - -Playing back off PC http://i36.tinypic.com/f2olyo.jpg Cheers TNT/IAN :king-041::applause-003:

20-11-2008, 06:24 PM
VLC is playing this Live __ hve you ever tried to Stream over the NET when doing this?> :D

20-11-2008, 06:30 PM
This is how I would have told you to do it

Create a folder on your PC drive called "dreambox" and set sharing on that folder, then inside that create another folder called movie (no need to share that folder as its inside dreamox folder)

Mount Manager add these details

IP : Your ip
Dir : dreambox (you only need dreambox here not dreambox/movie)
Local dir : /hdd
Options : nothing here
Extra : nolock,rsize=8192,wsize=8192
Username : Guest
Password : (if your pc doesn't have a password leave empty)

Don't forget its case sensitive so if your using XP guest should have a capital G


20-11-2008, 06:33 PM
odd I followed you in with :

Create a folder on your PC drive called "dreambox" and set sharing on that folder, then inside that create another folder called movie (no need to share that folder as its inside dreamox folder)

But only worked when I deleted the folder inside called movie - just keeping one folder and shariing that. Aww well its working well now. :D

20-11-2008, 06:39 PM
Think ID be able to record HD via CIFS via ethernet ? VLC crashing when trying to open a HD record -- and looks all pixelated. http://i35.tinypic.com/10zst3c.jpg

20-11-2008, 06:49 PM
VLC doesn't like AVC but you can do the following and see if it improves things

Start VLC and go to

Settings > Preferences > Input Codecs > Other Codecs > FFmpeg

Select "Advanced Options" bottom right then look for

Skip the loop filter for h.264 and set it to "All"

then go to

Settings > Preferences > Input Codecs, select "Demuxers" and change it to "MPEG Transport Stream Demuxer"

Or better still use another player and CoreAVC


20-11-2008, 07:07 PM
Aww was using WIFI on my PC - not ethernet. WIFI does not like HD streaming either - much to slow - always use Cat-5. Tried using Media player but wil try once I find the ethernet drivers!

I have the drivers on my old partition -- You know where WIndows keeps the drivers?!

20-11-2008, 08:00 PM
have Ethernet working now 100/10 (Wireless no good for this) -- and can stream / record HD via CIFS 100% Playback via Media Player classic (with COREAVC installed) http://i33.tinypic.com/2v7tsoz.jpg