View Full Version : dreambox 500 s

24-11-2008, 08:58 AM
My m8 has a dreambox 500 s with a pli image running cccam 2.0.9 When he tries to ftp nothing appears in the left hand box.I told him that usally means the password is wrong.He is using root dreambox.I have a tm 9100 and I use root admin with no problems.Is his password correct.He has to use the pli image as it was set up for him when he bought it.

24-11-2008, 10:14 AM
The password should be ok m8 unless it was changed.

Regards BigDave

24-11-2008, 10:34 AM
The password in the Pli image is as you have in your post so should be OK.

24-11-2008, 10:41 AM
Tell him to re flash if possible

25-11-2008, 09:51 AM
He does not want to reflash as he bought it set up with cccam 2.0.9 and cccam.cfg configured for him to receive certain channels.I have one coming so I have worked with my tm 9100 for a few years.I will try my one and then if it works out I will fix his.I use dcc 2.95 but he was told to use flash xp or pro.Can I copy the cccam.cfg from 500 when I receive it and copy it to my tm9100 as it is set up with a motor to recieve differrent sats.I would then give my brother the dreambox.I have already set up a dyns account and forwarded my router.

25-11-2008, 10:58 AM
What your m8 has is a dreambox [probaly a clone] configured with CCcam and hooked up to a pay server, the person who supplied it has changed the dreambox password so he can control it.
I have two words on it.

25-11-2008, 12:13 PM
hack into it then!

use brutus with a good alphanumeric dictionary and you should obtain the password within 48hrs.
then once you have it telnet into the box and insert your own password.ian.

25-11-2008, 12:21 PM
well if you have the Info on how to hack the password that affects all dreamboxes (except dm800 and 7025 or others with nabilo patch) it is supposed to be very easy to obtain the password in seconds .

25-11-2008, 12:30 PM
yes this rumour is everywhere,but ive yet to see any evidence of this hack,im not saying it doesnt exist as it probably does,but so few know about it at present that its inconsequential.

another alternative for you to delete the password and insert your own is to use tuxcommander.ian.

25-11-2008, 01:17 PM
Or close port 80,23 and 21

25-11-2008, 02:20 PM
Hello everyone.


As previously mentioned, the easiest way is to use Tuxbox Commander (TuxCom) to change your password. If you don’t already have it installed you should be able to get it from your download panel. If you have it installed then navigate to the /var/etc folder and look for a file called passwd. Press the number ‘4’ key on your handset to enter edit mode and change the first line in the passwd file from


Once you have made and saved your changes then reboot your Dreambox. The default user name will now be ‘root’ and you won’t require a password. Once you gain access to your box use Telnet to change the password to something of your choice. DO NOT make the password ‘dreambox’ again; pick something more original.

To change the password in a Telnet session use the passwd command. When issuing this command you will be prompted twice to enter a new password. The first prompt will be to enter the new password and the second will be to confirm the new password. Once you make the change then confirm it works.

Regards to all,


27-11-2008, 07:05 PM
Thanks for your help.Now two of the them have these boxes.I will have a look at them when time allows.They are going to be on a steep learning curve like I was when the tm 9100 came out.