View Full Version : Nova Sport (Galaxie) TP on Thor 1W

27-11-2008, 09:58 AM

I noticed a problem since I started using TM5400CI+Super where channels on 1W (12643 - V - SR 27500 - FEC 3/4) do not get displayed, ]=-the signal indicator shows no reception. If you wait a little , sometimes 5 seconds , some times 2 minutes, the signal kicks in and all good.

This signal prob only occurs with this TP , otherwise the receiver is pretty stable.

I tried deleting this TP channels and re-scanning, but when I come to scan, the signal indicator for that TP - again- shows no signal until you wait & if lucky it kicks in for the duration of the scanning time.

I did not post this in the LNB section because I do not think its LNB related (not have this prob with other receivers). So, has anyone noticed this ?


27-11-2008, 12:32 PM
Usually a slow 'pull in' of a transponder is due to either low sig strength, or a frequency on the edge of the AFC pull in range. As, in your case it only affects one TP, I agree that could appear not to be an LNB problem, unless there is a 'beat' interference frequency that is slightly pulling the LNB Hi Freq LO, or, if 12643 V is the highest Frequency you use, - it may be that the LNB gain is falling off near the top end of it's bandwidth . I have tested the TP on my TM6900 and it locks on within 2 sec.

27-11-2008, 01:11 PM
thanks for the response.

I loop through the TM box to another box and that 2nd box doesn't have this problem. Same LNB.

Also TP - 12687 V - is OK which is of higher frequency.

27-11-2008, 01:42 PM
Well, as you say - that rules out the LNB. I assume you have tried the TM without the other box connected ?

27-11-2008, 02:15 PM
I switch on 1 box at a time so they don't effect each other.