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28-11-2008, 08:31 PM
Autoupdated Juliet005 img via ethernet

at the end of the download it said it had failed

now when I try autoupdate it says dags_arial.fnt does not exist

I don't know if the juliet005 update worked as I can't check and all others including 005 and juliet006 come up with the same error..

28-11-2008, 08:43 PM
sorted this problem but now I get that the flash failed on 005 Juliet005 Juliet006


28-11-2008, 09:19 PM
Failed check you firmaware...

28-11-2008, 10:01 PM
juliet is a very , very old flash firmware not used for about 18 months or so , and if you havent got the 9100 standard it wont work anyway

I would suggest you try edg nemesis v4.1 or ur14

28-11-2008, 10:12 PM
I have the 9100 super..just following tutorial instructions

Can I flash any firmware onto the 01?

eg. can I use nemesis from the beginning?

Do I need to update the technomate 011 first?

thanks for the help

28-11-2008, 10:20 PM
juliet is too old for a super which is probably why you failed , seeing as the tutorials you are talking about were written about 18 months ago for a tm9100 standard receiver

I would factory reset using the front buttons , then load in a noboot image first like the ds image using a null modem cable and serial load with tcc6 , or maybe a different but recent noboot image instead , then factory reset afterwards , then load in the update image of your choice , but stick with images from 2008 and not 2007 , the later the better , so we will say ones made in the last 4 months or so , just to be on the safe side , and in your case make sure you use the ones for a super and not for a standard box

28-11-2008, 11:27 PM
Thanks for the help..

I am not sure what a noboot image is though

30-11-2008, 08:43 PM
if using the ur 14 flash with the tcc7