View Full Version : Can ADD NEW TP

30-11-2008, 05:18 PM
Finding it difficult to add a new TP on my tm6900 box.

Gone to the usual menu-satelit - advance...

When i press green to add the TP and try to add/press the numeric button the box powers off.

I have shut down the box, removed all cables still no joy.

My firmware version is 6.58 sept 29 2008
h/w 1-00.

Can only Help!!!


30-11-2008, 05:59 PM
Is that a super version or what?

Either way, you might find a more recent patch that will fix it. I'm having trouble deleting TPs! That's with 6.63 on my super.

30-11-2008, 06:36 PM
I had similar trouble on my 6900, ended up creating a new channel list using the CT editor, using KoS for info.

Uploaded my new list (built with only visible sats) and now back to normal.

01-12-2008, 11:12 AM
snoopMonkey123, I have the same firmware as you. Where can I find newer firmware and is it easy to install? Am new in the Technomate section as I have been struggling with an Humax iCord before I saw the light. TMULL

01-12-2008, 11:51 AM
The latest firmware is ver.6.64 18-11-2008 for the TM-6900 HD Super usb pvr ready.
Firmware VER 664 18-11-2008 is for the TM-6900 HD COMBO.
Both can be downloaded from
Technomate UK web site.
The latest Magic Patch is 664P dated 17-11-2008. be careful to use the right patch.
Technomate TM-6800 and TM-6900 can be updated using memory stick in the USB slot.

01-12-2008, 01:13 PM
Hi m8tys,

I find that if I can't add new tp's to my Tm6900+combo hd [not super] I just delet old ones and free up space on receiver and then enter new tp's it always works for me.

There are a lot of tp's and channels that I dont watch! so when I get a free minuet I just delete them and hey presto I've created new space on the list to add new tp's and channels.

Good luck ahmet-50

01-12-2008, 05:44 PM
BOB, Thank you for your reply. Can I ask what might seem a stupid question? Are the firmware and the patch two different things? I assume they are, So do I load them differently. I assume when I plug the memory stick in to the Tecnomate that the menu will tell me how to proceed, Any advice greatly appreciated. TMULL

01-12-2008, 06:48 PM
BOB, Thank you for your reply. Can I ask what might seem a stupid question? Are the firmware and the patch two different things? I assume they are, So do I load them differently. I assume when I plug the memory stick in to the Tecnomate that the menu will tell me how to proceed, Any advice greatly appreciated. TMULL

Yes, 2 different things.

Firmware is the official update as provided by Technomate. Patches are unofficial and allow you to see channels that you'd otherwise not be able to open directly using just the TM.

General advice is to load the firmware first, then the patch and softcam in that order using the usb, with the donload facility in the menu. Some might tell you the latest unofficial patches include the latest firmware. Maybe they do but I prefer not to assume that.

nosmo king
01-12-2008, 09:06 PM
Finding it difficult to add a new TP on my tm6900 box.

Gone to the usual menu-satelit - advance...

When i press green to add the TP and try to add/press the numeric button the box powers off.

I have shut down the box, removed all cables still no joy.

My firmware version is 6.58 sept 29 2008
h/w 1-00.

Can only Help!!!


have you download a channel list either from here or anywhere else

i ask cos you know there are a TP limit
i maybe wrong i beleive to be 999


02-12-2008, 11:21 AM
Thank you both for your help.Been in the sat scene for about twenty years. Was a Manhatton man until early this year when I went for an iCord. An expensive mistake. Just getting into the Technomate scene but the box I got from a mate who is going up to the 6900 Super has a very good channel list installed so as I have never loaded one in any of by boxes before I shall let well enough alone until I have a bit more experience. My Manhatton 6900 drives my Channel Master 1.2 dish but it is so out of date that most transponders are not in it as the last firmware update was about three years ago. I wonder are Humax and Manhatton run by the same shower? TMULL

02-12-2008, 06:17 PM
I too was a Manhattan man until a few months ago, after getting fed up up with the lack of Manhattan backing ( no ST Plaza updates for over 2 years etc) and had a Manhattan Starlight for over 2 years before that - brill receivers, pity!
I also had 2 Echostars before that - they were really good too - but I truly believe my TM6900HD Super Combo is the best yet, especially once they've got all the remaining teething probs out of the way!:bowing-036:

02-12-2008, 08:23 PM
Have successfully upgraded the firmware from the Technomate site. Looking for latest patch. I assume the patch for the Super 6900 is not suitable for the ordinary 6900 HD Combo. Please advise.TMULL

02-12-2008, 09:14 PM
Check your PM.

02-12-2008, 11:16 PM
But you ARE correct that under NO cir***stances should you use the Super software with the 'ordinary' stb & vice versa!:respect-037:

03-12-2008, 11:01 AM
Have received great help on this subject.Thank you Bob for your PM. I now have the Firmware,Patch andsoftcam updated . I am now enjoying the sat scene again after struggling with the iCord since Febuary. I tried to help iCord owners on this forum and others but when I sought help my self so few responded to me. I know from reading the Technomate treads that there is a very helpful community here. Thank ye all. From what I have learnred about the 6900Hd, and the ease of using it,I now know that when it was one of the two choices I made last year about HD receivers I made the wrong choice then. Hindsight is such a wonderful thing. TMULL