View Full Version : Gemini 3.90 is out but.......

02-12-2008, 12:48 PM
It's a mare.

i've never encountered any image let alone a gemini one that's so buggy.

the network wont configure it just wont recognise your settings, so no addons and no plugins

media player crashes the box, as does trying to set the screen output, dont try and change from RGB leave as it is.

that's it ftm:woot-035:

me i'm going back to 3.80

regards: canthackit

02-12-2008, 12:55 PM
Have you got it in the flash or usb ?
The only thing I have not tried is the media player but other than that it does not crash.
I have set it up on 3 box's and they are all working and networking just fine.

02-12-2008, 02:29 PM
yep realy buggy this image
after some tests i see that works better on flash but still not good at all
back to my old and still better nabilo

02-12-2008, 03:45 PM
i've got it on the usb mate.

i've loaded the latest oozoon on the flash, and it still 3.90 dont work correctly.

nah it's not for me guy's.

regards: canthackit

02-12-2008, 04:17 PM

its working fine now that i have the new oozoon (29/11) image in flash

infact i'm updating all images which came out after the 15th of november

regards sblinx

02-12-2008, 04:38 PM
It did not work well for me with Oozoon in the flash using second stage loader is 67 but if you try the scvs image I posted that uses second stage loader is 69 you should find it more stable.:respect-055:

02-12-2008, 05:19 PM
done all that mate it's got bootloader 69 on it, i've done oozoon 29/11 and schaedelmeister 29/11

and loaded BA 4.6.30 and all i've got is sweet F A.

going back to 3.80

regards: canthackit

03-12-2008, 11:40 AM

installed oozoon 2/11/08 on the flash and 3.90 on the usb, got most stuff working ....but still media player crashes the box, i'm not gonna suffer it anymore going back to 3.80 till they get it sorted.

regards: canthackit

03-12-2008, 12:16 PM

seeing as i dont like being defeated, gave it one more go and this time installed it on the flash.......works perfect really smooth no glitches, evidently the image was only tested for the installation on the flash.

so, way to go guy's!

regards: canthackit

03-12-2008, 01:59 PM
I upgraded to gemini 3.9 last night and its been working great so far.
I haven't made any major changes or modifications, no barry allen etc.

All I have done since installing is:
Copied my channel list to it
Set static IP
changed my password
installed mgcamd+newcs
Set the HD skin

I find it is quicker with zapping between channels.
Today I have uptime of 6hours 30minutes without any problems.
I was testing out the dreamnetcast/streamripper that is built in (Allows you to listen to and record radio feeds etc...) worked well.

no problems for me what so ever ... yet. But maybe it is still early days.

On the previous build I was experiencing a few problems. Using gemini3.8 with bootloader 67, I was finding the audio would dissappear, also occaisional freezing (the cog that wont go away).
I learnt a new way to reboot without pulling the plug with this too, just open telnet, login and type 'reboot'.

Before I installed gemini3.9 I breifly tried SVCS latest image, but after minutes I really didnt like it.

03-12-2008, 02:01 PM
does gemini crash with you when going into standy?

maybe i should try it in flash....does anyone know if gemini 3.9 supports smargo?

03-12-2008, 02:06 PM

now i've got the weidest problem i've ever had, i've tried all the CCcam+newcs emu's avaliable, atm moment i'm on the tried and trusted CCcam2.0.9+newcs1.60... i can clear everything on CCcam from the cs servers and my uk sub is listed in CCcam.info, but when i swing the dish 28.2 my sub goes offline and i cannot clear the b'astd anyhow.

any clues anyone please:beatdeadhorse5::toetap05:: banghead:

regards: canthackit

03-12-2008, 02:16 PM

have you installed all the files including the newcs .bin file? Sometimes ive only installed the newcs config and forgot about the bin file and dont clear anything. As soon as ive installed the bin it pops straight on.
cs servers only require cccam i believe which is why it is probably working on other sats, but failing on your card.

03-12-2008, 02:18 PM
does gemini crash with you when going into standy?

maybe i should try it in flash....does anyone know if gemini 3.9 supports smargo?

Just tried it x2 times, doesnt crash for me when going into standby. The display on the OLED is different in standby compared to previous image. Shows the date as well as the time

03-12-2008, 02:24 PM

now i've got the weidest problem i've ever had, i've tried all the CCcam+newcs emu's avaliable, atm moment i'm on the tried and trusted CCcam2.0.9+newcs1.60... i can clear everything on CCcam from the cs servers and my uk sub is listed in CCcam.info, but when i swing the dish 28.2 my sub goes offline and i cannot clear the b'astd anyhow.

any clues anyone please:beatdeadhorse5::toetap05:: banghead:

regards: canthackit
This is strange, I set my friends box up with Pli and it worked fine, I set him up with Gemini 3.9 and he tells me he can no longer see his local card.
I am going there tonight to look at it but you now have me thinking it could be an image problem:cool:

03-12-2008, 02:49 PM

thank christ for you sonic, i've tried everything but everything checked rechecked every file and config, and nada, you see if i aint right, you'll see your mates card as online on any sat until you go to 28.2E then it goes offline weird or what?
regards: canthackit

regards: canthackit

03-12-2008, 03:04 PM
Just tried it x2 times, doesnt crash for me when going into standby. The display on the OLED is different in standby compared to previous image. Shows the date as well as the time

are you using it on flash?

03-12-2008, 03:20 PM
I have just checked his files and cfg's from my pc at work :rolleyes:
All looks fine, I am going to pop in and see him on my way home so I will let you know how I get on.

03-12-2008, 04:37 PM
@ sonic1

just thought i'd tell you this mate, because the uk sub was'nt clearing i tried all manner of images on the flash everyone would not read read my sub.

the only way i got everything to work was to go back oozon13/9/2008 on the flash, BA 4.6.24, and old faithfull on the pen Gemini3.80 ishut down rebooted into 3.80 and nds.uk cleared immediately.

so mate make of this what you will:bravo-009::bowing-036:

regards: canthackit

03-12-2008, 05:02 PM
@ canthackit,
I have posted the question on I had board so lets see what comes back.
I see you have also been there :respect-023:
I will do some more testing with this but I do wonder if there is and image problem.

03-12-2008, 05:17 PM
<<gemini 3.9 in flash is OK

but now nabilo 0.3 with BA is unstable as h***

03-12-2008, 05:48 PM
the plot thickens....mind you i could'nt even get BA to install with 3.90 on the flash..............tried all manner of versions.

regards: canthackit

03-12-2008, 05:56 PM
What method do you use to install BA ?

03-12-2008, 06:54 PM
barryAllen_4.6.36 works with me

just go into addons, and take a manual install after you ftp it to /tmp

03-12-2008, 07:54 PM
me i always use the telnet method (manual) rename BA to something like [barryallen_4.6.30.ipk].... copy it to the tmp folder, open telnet and at the prompt type [cd /] then hit return then at the next prompt type...... [ipkg install /tmp/barryallen_4.6.30.ipk] hit the return, then just let it install...........go to the DB pull the power and reconnect.

ps: just enter the script and not the brackets.

have you really got 4.6.36 or is it a typo?

regards: canthackit

03-12-2008, 08:01 PM
<<gemini 3.9 in flash is OK

but now nabilo 0.3 with BA is unstable as h***

gemini 3.9 works better in flash but still not good very buggy
nabilo works great with BA all u have to do is update the drivers on the nabilo image
im using now last OoZooN in flash with seconstage69 and nabilo and newenigma2 on usb both working fine no probs
i had gemini 3.9 on usb and had to delete cos it was so buggy and i coulnd use any other image on usb

03-12-2008, 08:10 PM
me i always use the telnet method (manual) rename BA to something like [barryallen_4.6.30.ipk].... copy it to the tmp folder, open telnet and at the prompt type [cd /] then hit return then at the next prompt type...... [ipkg install /tmp/barryallen_4.6.30.ipk] hit the return, then just let it install...........go to the DB pull the power and reconnect.

ps: just enter the script and not the brackets.

have you really got 4.6.36 or is it a typo?

regards: canthackit

yes, using 4.6.36

03-12-2008, 08:11 PM
have you really got 4.6.36 or is it a typo?

regards: canthackit

I have been keeping them updated as soon as I see a new release m8.:respect-055:

03-12-2008, 08:53 PM
gemini 3.9 works better in flash but still not good very buggy
nabilo works great with BA all u have to do is update the drivers on the nabilo image
im using now last OoZooN in flash with seconstage69 and nabilo and newenigma2 on usb both working fine no probs
i had gemini 3.9 on usb and had to delete cos it was so buggy and i coulnd use any other image on usb

well.....im talking about gemini 3.9 on flash

and nabilo on BA

and that is not a good match, Going into standby and it crashes, also red blink all the time

04-12-2008, 06:41 AM
@ sonic1
thanks mate, got it.

totally agree mate.

regards: canthackit

04-12-2008, 09:52 AM
Well after a night of testing I could not get Gemini 3.9 to read my local sly card.
Tested Newnigma, Nabilo, Pli and Lt and they all work just fine.
Sticking with LT for now as it is a very impressive image. ;)

04-12-2008, 11:56 AM
That is obviously a fundamental issue if cccam isn't working properly.
Mgcamd +newcs is working successfully to read a sly card.

But if you need to use cccam (cs reasons) then a solution is to setup auto-camd in bluepanel. Using mgcamd on all the subscription channels and set default to cccam.

Easier solution is to use another image! As I am not using cs, mgcamd works well for me, and ive found this image (gemini 3.9) very stable so far for what I use it for

04-12-2008, 12:58 PM
To add my Dorcel 5 channel card works just fine with just CCcam, it is only sly uk card via NewCS that seems to be the problem.:cool:

04-12-2008, 06:04 PM
yep i concur:eek:

i have got major major problems since i installed that bloody image, if i put the latest cvs image on the flash i cant boot into the usb if i pur an ealier cvs on the flash icant get any of the lastest images on the usb..............and so it goes on and on and on.

i'm on here now waiting for my 5,000th attempt to install:beatdeadhorse5:

c ya soon i guess with more problems:applause-003::respect-050:

regards: canthackit

04-12-2008, 06:36 PM

finally!!!! after a lot of toing and froing this is what i managed to get working, the last image i could install that would get the usb recognised is oozoon 02/11/2008 this enabled me to install gemini 3.08 on the usb everything works but i also installed newnigma 2.2.3 on the multiboot and this just does not recognise my nds-uk card.

so my findings are it's not just the latest gemini that is the problem it's these latest cvs images with bootloader 69 that's not working properly.

regards: canthackit

04-12-2008, 08:48 PM
going to give it a go on flash wish me luck LOL


04-12-2008, 08:54 PM
Depending on your needs jono the image is the best so far.
Shame NewCs don't work with but I am sure there will be a fix soon.:D

05-12-2008, 12:43 AM
Sonic its cool all seems ok cccam 2.10 on it but my inxtv card will not work in it any ideas how i config my config to read the card.



05-12-2008, 01:27 AM

finally!!!! after a lot of toing and froing this is what i managed to get working, the last image i could install that would get the usb recognised is oozoon 02/11/2008 this enabled me to install gemini 3.08 on the usb everything works but i also installed newnigma 2.2.3 on the multiboot and this just does not recognise my nds-uk card.

so my findings are it's not just the latest gemini that is the problem it's these latest cvs images with bootloader 69 that's not working properly.

regards: canthackit

oozoon 02/11 is pretty old.....

images from around Nov/Des is the ones that makes problems with "old" images

too many changes in these i guess

05-12-2008, 08:02 AM
@ kewell

yes mate.

but oozoon 2/11/2008 is the last image that will work with gemini 3.80 as will anything earlier.

anything with a later cvs older images just wont work either partially or fully.

over the last 4 days days i must have tried every image in every combination, but after all the messing around i'm back where i began oozoon 02.11.2008 on the flash and gemini 3.80 on the stick, so until gemini bring out a fix or 4.00 comes out i'll stay:respect-055: as i am


07-12-2008, 12:12 AM
ooh I am not going to risk it, I am still sitting on Gemini 3.70, didn't upgrade to 3.80 because I heard there were tuning problems and sounds like 3.90 is not good either.

09-12-2008, 08:59 AM
Since I installed Gemini 3.9 on USB, I noticed that Canal+ Spain HD is freezing.
Is there anybody with the same?
If I install secondstage 69 on Flash, will this solve the problem with image on USB as well?
Or do I have to install secondstage directly to image on USB?


09-12-2008, 04:51 PM
no no mate it's been stated many times, 3.90 goes on the flash it's not a multi boot image.

btw what softcam are you using?

regards: canthackit

09-12-2008, 05:29 PM
I have scvs as flash and Gemini 3.9 on usb and have no viewing issues at all.
Both images have the latest bootloader.
Just can't get NDS card to work as local but it's not a major problem as I just stick it in another box and use the 800 as a client only.

09-12-2008, 07:20 PM
I have scvs as flash and Gemini 3.9 on usb and have no viewing issues at all.
Both images have the latest bootloader.
Just can't get NDS card to work as local but it's not a major problem as I just stick it in another box and use the 800 as a client only.
how did you update bootloader of image on usb?
I think bootloader can be updated only from flash but will this update image on usb as well?

09-12-2008, 07:21 PM
no no mate it's been stated many times, 3.90 goes on the flash it's not a multi boot image.

btw what softcam are you using?

regards: canthackit
I use CCcam with CS.

09-12-2008, 07:53 PM
@ sonic1

well mate what can i say all i know is when i tried the way you have it setup it would'nt allow me to set the screen resolution, had problems with the network.

it just proved to be a real SOB, so i don't know where i went wrong, oh and one of the mods over at gemini told to only install on the flash.

i'm not disputing you've got it working ok, it's just that i could'nt.

regards: canthackit

09-12-2008, 07:57 PM
how did you update bootloader of image on usb?
I think bootloader can be updated only from flash but will this update image on usb as well?

check here