View Full Version : A bit about the Cuberevo.

05-12-2008, 10:22 PM
Ok I went and brought the cuberevo and I think it will take some getting used too.
The HD picture quality is excellent and SD picture is good, I have tried a few images but there is nothing outstanding that I have found.. maybe when I have learnt how to use the box more.
The sound is okay but I don't have an AV AMP/RECIEVER to punch it though.
I am a little confused about setting up "that what can't be mentioned here" tuner but I am sure I will suss it.
Overall I would give the box about 7 out of Ten but again that may change once I get used to it
fats :respect-055:

05-12-2008, 11:01 PM
Hiya m8

I brought the Cuberevo & must say so far im pleased with it -ive had it a week

The software takes some getting used to -ive been used to enigma & a Technomate 9100- all the images ive tried so far have been very stable

It works with vbox positioner although i couldnt get it to store at same positions as the vbox

The EPG is one of its best features -picture & sound quality on hd
channels are superb

The tuner works well but its difficult to compare properly to other boxes as signal & quality stay the same -probably a software bug

Havent installed HDD yet-so cant advise on playback/ recording one ch & watching another etc

Have tried c's as a client & it worked perfectly-:bow-004: to another member on here who helped me out-cheers m8

I think when we get flash version of enigma 2 this box will leave the rest at the lights:sifone:

06-12-2008, 11:30 AM
I think that's my problem, I am comparing the cuberevo too a dreambox and I think once I get used to the different menus in the cuberevo I will like the box a lot more.:respect-001:

I have the satellite side setup more or less working apart from missing HD channels but I guess thats down to the data within the image.
Do you know anywhere where I can download the latest settings?
Untill I get used to the box I have it setup in the bedroom just pointing at 1 degree west so would it be alright if I asked you about setting the cuberevo up with the vbox at a latter stage?

Catseye what tuners are you using?
I would appreciate any help you or any others could give me.
fatbloke :)

06-12-2008, 11:40 AM
No problem m8 -ask away

I used the Relook Pc editor & downloaded otheitis settings 30west to 42 east

These can be downloaded from sif team image -but do a factory reset before installing or you might end up with duplicate settings & box will run slow

I see if i can upload some stuff on here to help folks out

Ive got two sat tuners installed

06-12-2008, 01:39 PM
Thank's catseye I am liking this box more as I go along.. I think this could be the box I have been waiting for.
I just hope the support for this box grows as more people get it.
fatbloke :)

06-12-2008, 09:14 PM
Can each DVB-s2 tuner be configured independently from one another?

Can you run two motorised dish`s like you can with the Dream box 7025?

07-12-2008, 12:23 PM
They can be configured independently, but the tuners are not so good, working with it on fringe reception like in cyprus shows if the box is good or not.
This box tends to stuck ( using sif team image ) and be slow, factory reset and reprogram helps a little bit.It also looses signal some times and gives u an error message.Temperatures are ok.
Incubus camd crashes also if u are zapping fast.
With ***** image it has better response but still it needs work.

07-12-2008, 01:56 PM
Have to say that the tuners on my box bring in showsports no problem here in NW England. They are right on the borderline but the tuners in the box are good enough to give me a stable picture.

@ Crossbones m8 the tuners can be configure seperate, I have 8-1 switch on tuner 1 and then 80cm dish/motor on tuner 2.

@ fatbloke just like me when I first got mine. When you have had a db for so long ( in my case 5 years ) it is very hard to get use to something else but after a couple of weeks the menus and the layout grows on you.

Now reagrding the Incubus cam, firstly I have to say I am a bit gutted we have not had a version 2 since it was first released back in late Oct.
It does crash now and then if you start channel hoping from sat to sat to quickly.
It has never crashed on my 900 because that is always on 28.0e but my 9000 which is my toy I have had a couple of crashes when I start zapping from one sat to other. Not a lot though.

With mgcamd there is no porblem at all, so if you have friends with newcs then you are laughing:respect-059:

Overall I am happier with the 9000 then I am with the dm800.

07-12-2008, 08:47 PM
I am thinking of buying one from the sponsers- I finally decided to take the plunge after giving up on the 8000hd/azbox/qbox etc.
I am a bit out of touch as for the last 5 years been using a dvb-s in my pc- I have a very vague idea of what the box does (my experience includes patching a 5400 humax 9 years ago but sold this box 4 years ago).
What would be open with the latest image guys? Not sure if I still need to consider a Diablo cam if this would opening anything else?
I know very little about CS and I appreciate we cannot discuss this topic but am I allowed to ask if this involves paying a provider for use of this service? (plesase delete this if not allowed). I personally have been too cautious to go down this route before.
Is there a link to a simple tutorial to help me set up this box with a recommendation of an image to use for a newbie?
Thanks guys.

07-12-2008, 09:17 PM
Hi Jimmy

I'll try & post some how to guides on the cuberevo box tomorrow -if i get time!

Its quite easy to use flashing image & downloading settings etc once you get used to it!

There arent any more chns open on Cuberevo compared to Technomate or Dreambox just using normal emus

If you buy a diablo cam that will open 1 west & some chns on 16 east for how long -who knows

If your into c/s then skys the limit as they say but only as a client so far

You will need a dragon cam or similar for a sly uk card to work as internal readers aint working yet

I believe we can discuss c/s on the technical side but not if its recruiting members or offering clubs to join

Could one of the admins confirm this or delete if necessary:respect-062:

07-12-2008, 09:20 PM
Ok I have had this box for a few days now and I am really pleased with it.. I am starting to get used to the menus now and have it setup how I want it ,it records and you can watch another program..you can pause live tv ..switching from one tuner too the other is simple ..it plays back the recordings well and you can also play divx with this box.
I think if the right teams can develope the image files it will go on and be at least as good as the dreambox.
The HD picture quality is fantastic. :bravo-009:
I have to update my score to 9 out of ten.. :respect-055:

07-12-2008, 09:26 PM
m8 I have to agree with the picture quality.

I watch UTD on Wednesday on Digitalb Supersport, now as we all know the picture quality on here is crap one of the worse there is but on this box with my new 50inch Panny the picture was not bad.

The box upscales great many channels on sly look HD even though they are SD.

As long as sifteam keep supporting it then things should be OK. Good thing with Sifteam is that they support Dreamboxes,Cuberevo,Relooks anything with linux. So you know you can trust them to work hard.

They are trying to get enigma 2 working perfect on this box.

08-12-2008, 12:59 AM
Again delete this if inappropriate- but what dou you mean by a 'client'- I assume you can utilise someone else's card but how does that work? Do other members allow someone else to utilise their card rather than sharing back?
PS catseye many thanks for providing the guides-

26-12-2008, 12:49 PM
Hi all
Iam thinking of geting the cube revo are there are any images for the +c tuner also only had a topfield reciever are these recievers difficult to programme a lot of what I have read on the forum sounds a bit mind boggling. any help or advice would be much appreciated. I have a 90cm dish in south manchester if this is relevant.

26-12-2008, 01:13 PM
Its dead easy to install images, keys, etc -just connect using cat 5 cable to router & use usb stick or lead to install the images

Have a read through some of the how to's... on here & if you have any more questions just ask away:king-041: