View Full Version : Channel list

06-12-2008, 01:44 AM
Hi all, Iv been playing with my channel list and am now board. Is there any where that there a good ones already done for me to have a look at and download?

12-12-2008, 12:03 AM
Or does any one want to upload there's for me to have a look at?

15-12-2008, 03:54 PM
Does anyone have a full motorised channel list to upload so we can play around with it please? Would be great - cheers

15-12-2008, 05:36 PM
search the net there is plenty around!

15-12-2008, 08:45 PM
Any of the ones I've downloaded won't open in Channel Editor for some reason......

16-12-2008, 12:11 AM
search the net there is plenty around!

No there aren't

16-12-2008, 12:55 AM
And yes I agree totally with oldfart - there certainly aren't plenty! Would be helpful if someone would be kind enough to post their channel list for others to use. After all, I thought we were all on here to help each other?

16-12-2008, 10:56 AM
Many user here donīt publish channel list because itīs very diffrently to every users. But you can find channel list from a italia people GioppyGio.

Search after "Vantage by GioppyGio" on Google so you find many homepage with channel list to Vantage.

16-12-2008, 03:31 PM
Thanks Jedin, that's what I was looking for - fair play to you!

16-12-2008, 07:55 PM
Hi, just had a try of all the channel lists I could find and none of them will open in Channel Editor or load onto the receiver!! The latest Channel List is from November 2008 so maybe the firmware does not match as I have the latest firmware on my Vantage 7100S. Anyone help?

16-12-2008, 08:21 PM
Hi, just had a try of all the channel lists I could find and none of them will open in Channel Editor or load onto the receiver!! The latest Channel List is from November 2008 so maybe the firmware does not match as I have the latest firmware on my Vantage 7100S. Anyone help?

What version channel editor are you using?

nosmo king
16-12-2008, 08:30 PM
@ Tez-Tech

like you i've tried them all from
GioppyGio and they don't work for me too

16-12-2008, 09:01 PM
Hi, just had a try of all the channel lists I could find and none of them will open in Channel Editor or load onto the receiver!! The latest Channel List is from November 2008 so maybe the firmware does not match as I have the latest firmware on my Vantage 7100S. Anyone help?

I believe to you have a old channel editor-program when you have latest firmware. Vantage have change in Channel list from firmware-version 2.30 and up so it doesnīt work with old program and most download latest Channel Editor-software. There is two diffrently Channel Editor with same version 3.1 so you most to test so you get them work with GioppyGio. It work fine for me with GioppyGio, but itīs not in my style...

17-12-2008, 06:41 PM
Hi all - thanks for the replies. I found a program called SetEdit which I use for my PassionHD receiver but now there's a version for the Vantage range of receivers. I had to pay for the full version but it's a much better editor than any of the versions by Vantage themselves!! Go to setedit.de and try it out. Cheers