View Full Version : How to flash your Cuberevo/IP Box

08-12-2008, 02:47 PM
How to flash your Cuberevo / Ip Box

When you have set up your new box it will/should be in its virgin state so here's how to 'flash your box' with an image of your choice

Download & unzip flashtools v1.02 from this site & install

1) Connect usb lead (same as printer lead) from pc to Cuberevo

2) Hold & press power & ok button on front panel -to 'cold shut down' box-Time (if set on initial installation) should appear on front display

3) Hold power button on front -You should get booting message-followed by USB upgrade on front

4)PC should flash message saying 'detecting new hardware'

5)The set up program should then attempt to locate drivers/software to run with with new hardware-you may need to browse through your storage directories to locate -select 'USB for vesta'-ok & finish

6)Open flashtools program -you will see 2 icons on left hand side -'Serial & Usb -select USB

7)Select file & locate image you wish to install- You may wish to install the latest DGS image first & then load image of your choice afterwards (SIF, NLB,etc)

8)Select 'Down' option

9)Download bar will move from 0 to 100% on Flashtools program

10)Once it reaches 100% -message will appear on front display 'Erasing' from 0 to 100%

11)'Writing flash' will follow on front panel

12)'Done appears when complete

13) Hold front power & ok buttons -clock appears & then press power button

14)Box will reboot with new image - language & subtitle menu should appear on screen

15)If no commands are accepted by remote -hold power & ok button
on front -then press power to reboot box as normal

To turn off subtitles -select 'russian' option on menu of subtitle language

There should be no need to switch A/C power button on or off at rear to reboot

Please note i accept no responsibilty for damage to your box these instructions have worked for me & are here to help you