View Full Version : Channel 4 HD on Mvison HD 200C

12-12-2008, 10:24 PM
Anyone had any problems with Channel 4 HD on the HD 200? Picture breaking up, Signal dropping out etc.

12-12-2008, 10:30 PM
yes it did it on version 2 software does it do it on the new version 3.15 have not tryed it yet

12-12-2008, 10:57 PM
Yes the firmware verion is 3.15. It seems to be all channels on this TP (11798H). Don't supppose Gxmax will make any difference? Was version 1 free of this bug?

14-12-2008, 05:01 PM
How can you get Channel 4 HD on Mvison HD 200C:party:

14-12-2008, 06:37 PM
:respect-051:works fine with 3.15 firmware with a Dragon cam with a S*y Card just tested

15-12-2008, 07:47 PM
Where is the best place to get Dragon cam

i live in ireland

15-12-2008, 08:52 PM
Hi Satpaul. I have checked with a local installer who had the Mvison HD 200 combo in his shop and his unit is showing the same fault. My mate also has one with 3.11 and it has the same fault. I pulled the Diablo cam out but the signal keeps dropping out. Is it possible the firmware is not loaded correctly?

15-12-2008, 09:23 PM
hi borug it also works with a diablo cam and a S*y card.

08-01-2009, 10:09 PM
Looks like the channel 4 hd problem is possibly a tuner fault or a build up of too much heat inside the receiver. Keeping the receiver cool with a desktop fan cures the fault immediately.

19-01-2009, 11:18 AM

How did you manage to get Channel 4 HD when it is encrypted (NDS) ?

19-01-2009, 01:49 PM

How did you manage to get Channel 4 HD when it is encrypted (NDS) ?
By using a dragon cam or Diablo cam with a S K Y card.

20-01-2009, 12:05 PM
sorry if i appear dumb, but i thought you could only view sky channels with a sky box. if thats not the case could i get a dragon/diablo cam and a card from sky to view sky channels ?

21-01-2009, 01:13 AM
You can use your official subscription card with a Dragon or Diablo cam to watch the channels you pay for in the reciever. Sometimes things change in the encryption and you cannot view until an update is released for the cam. I think that if you use your official card in the cams, you have to put the card back into your sky box every now and then to keep it running. If you only want C4HD then your better off with a skyfreesat card, but you'll still need to keep it updated in an official sky reciever.

PS this may change in the future as rumours are that sky may issue new cards to prevent c*rdsharing.

16-02-2009, 12:35 PM
I am having the exact same problem, is there any known workaround other than cooling it with a 'desktop fan'?

18-02-2009, 05:07 PM
I don't think there's anyway around this other than cooling the box. It runs too hot. Having central heating on doesn't help either. It's like an oven inside the receiver and the tuner breaks down on these frequencies 11798H and 12324V . There is a new firmware out but I wouldn't hold my breath.
You could add a small cage fan to cool the receiver but you will probably need an opening to vent the heat. Google for "miniature cooling fan kit" might give you a few ideas.
All the voltages from the power supply in the receiver are present even in standby so the only one that you can find easily is the switched 5v for the USB unless you want the fans running all the time. Hope this helps

12-03-2009, 12:53 AM
I have 'fixed' my Mvision, on further investigation I discovered that the problem is being caused by a Voltage Regulator located close to the DVB-S2 tuner, I fitted a heatsink and a small fan to keep it cool, I was hoping that I could avoid using a fan but even with the biggest heatsink I could fit I only got my about an hour before the problem would return.

It also appears that the USB power is always there but that doesn't really matter as I don't leave the unit in standby because it uses almost as much power as when it's on (18W versus 24W).

20-03-2009, 08:44 AM
Glad to hear you got it sorted. I have also installed a cooling fan beside the DVB-S2 tuner. Initially I tried it without a vent but it took too long for it to cool the receiver down enough for it to work. (Fan doesn't run in standby) I removed the phono connector block and drilled a 40mm opening attached fan and finger guard. All working well.

20-03-2009, 11:25 AM
Oh, well, at least we were able to fix them. :respect-048:

Incidently there are 5v, 7v and 12v coming off the power supply, I have an old 12v 40mm fan (think it was from a Sky+ box!!) that in the end I was able to run at 5v ensuring it is whisper quiet, I have experimented with all voltages and all worked but were audible at 7v and 12v.