View Full Version : Vintage X221S CI firmware update problem

14-12-2008, 10:29 PM

I'm new here and wanted to upgrade my Vantage X221S CI with the new firmware.
I've downloaded the Channel Editor 2.3 and the last firmware
connected my X221S CI with my computer using a Null modem cable but every time I start the upgrade on the moment I switch my X221S CI on I get directly a timeout -1 or timeout -2
can anyone help me?

14-12-2008, 11:51 PM
Well, all i know is you should use winup 2.6 in order to upload the latest firmware. Null-modem cable between com port and vantage. Works every time. After you have edited the channels with the channel editor you upload also that file with winup.

15-12-2008, 12:17 AM

first go vantage instalation menu and then system setup osd setting.
serial modul must turn to VFD.

second go to defaut setting enter input password 0000. go STB reboot,don`t
tryck ok wait.
open channel loader for 5519.
up icon in the menu load Vantage_0060AOP is the last official firmware.
and then tryck STBreboot from the menu of your X221S.
You can use also channel loader for 5519 to upload the channel.
But you must go channel setup sw manager tryck ok,
channel data uppload enter ok.

the unofficial firmware use Winup26 program and load Vantage_00580070AOA.hdp is the best and the other unofficial firmware.
and do the same STBrebbot enter OK.
You can use also Winup26 to upload the vantage key.

good luck wahran!benmekki.bip@spray.se