View Full Version : HD200:Play record files to your PC easy

16-12-2008, 10:46 AM
Hello friends...!!!

First you must have to your PC the KMPlayer


Just rename the record file you want to play , for example :

VIVAPOLSKA_002312 ----> VIVAPOLSKA_002312.pvr or .mpeg

....thats it , play it now to PC with the KMPlayer :respect-010:

Mr Batch
16-12-2008, 10:56 PM
hi thanks for the info - slight problem as i'm a mac user and kmplayer only runs on windows. do you know any other players that run on mac for these recorded progs. or can you advis eon the format used and i can look for mac viewers?

thanks in advance

17-12-2008, 08:35 PM
No , sorry , i don't know anything about mac systems :frown:
I can't help you...

18-12-2008, 09:58 AM
I'm on macs. Mplayer works well for SD content. you still have to put a .mpg extension on the files 1st though.


18-12-2008, 05:10 PM
It is work on Windows too, f.ex in Windows Media Player or RealPlayer by adding Mpeg or avi at the last of file. I am doing it usually.

Mr Batch
22-12-2008, 05:52 PM
hi - i tried your trick but my HD recording is split into 3 1.4gb files numberbed 000,001,002. when i tried the recording and added avi or mpeg to these files they didn't open in vlc or mplayer on my macs. does this only work for SD recordings??