View Full Version : USB recording - only first 2GB

20-12-2008, 01:00 PM

Can some one tell me how if they can record more than 2GB on a USB stick ?

I tried an external HDD , FAT32 formatted but recording is temprimental.

I have a 16GB USB , FAT32 formatted, much more stable but the receiver only record for the first 2GB, after that all the files show "error" on playback.

Whats best combination do you use ? I am using the latest patch.

23-12-2008, 02:31 PM
Has no one tried to use the record facility ? anyone who has tried to record a full film should have either come across my problem or have a good setup which would be helpful to know.

07-02-2009, 08:47 PM
i also have this problem only records for only 1hr 5 mins don,t see the point having something that only records for this amount of time.

08-02-2009, 08:43 AM
Stupid question maybe, but I assume you've installed the latest firmware to the decoder? Also, maybe email technomate customer services and if you get a reply, add it here. Not tried recording myself so can't really help, only had my 5400 super a few weeks but I have to say it's the most user friendly satbox I've ever used and would happily recommend them to anyone.

08-02-2009, 09:23 AM
When I press record on my technomate 5400 ci usb a box appears with rw/ffw, bookmark jump, time jump, duration, the default time is 2 hours. change the duration time by presing the red button a new box pops up that lets you change the time.
hope this helps Regards Jeff

10-02-2009, 03:55 PM
When I press record on my technomate 5400 ci usb a box appears with rw/ffw, bookmark jump, time jump, duration, the default time is 2 hours. change the duration time by presing the red button a new box pops up that lets you change the time.
hope this helps Regards Jeff

Yes that is a basic functionality, but have you tried recording more than 2GB (usually more than 2 hours) and got it working on a USB ?

Incidentally an external HDD does work having recoreded more than 25GB, but I found it temperamental as I mentioned before.

fred fickle
03-03-2009, 03:34 PM
Some usb sticks are not accepted by my technomate so will not record anything.

I have used a 4gb Lexar without any problems mate.:respect-050:

03-03-2009, 05:58 PM
sometimes a reformat with the technomate utility will help. Did had the problem with a .5 GB HD mybook home. On there website in the support section is a do***ent: How to Format a Hard Disc HDD when you click on the brief manual you download the utility and brief instruction (used from command prompt XP)

08-03-2009, 12:37 PM
a compatible usb stick for this receiver is : sandisk cruzer micro. no probs