View Full Version : Nagra AU

25-12-2008, 01:46 PM
How do you turn off AU for Nagra 2 on patched TM6900HD Super please?:respect-050:

25-12-2008, 04:14 PM
Holmroad, I have been following this question on another forum and apparently it is not an option on the 6900 series. The advice is not to worry about it. If it is in connection with the Nagra channels on 1W they changed keys last night and new keys are awaited.TMULL

25-12-2008, 05:32 PM
There were two set of keys (00 & 01) yesterday and they are all saying its got to be one or the other at any one time - trouble is that if you DONT turn off the AU it attempts to corrupt WHATEVER keys you enter at any one time - and they dont work!:redface:

25-12-2008, 06:45 PM
There were two set of keys (00 & 01) yesterday and they are all saying its got to be one or the other at any one time - trouble is that if you DONT turn off the AU it attempts to corrupt WHATEVER keys you enter at any one time - and they dont work!:redface:

Jim you need a modified Softcam

slot 57 ident N2011
Must be changed to N2111

and the remainder of boxes that remain empty need to be filled with a old disused idents to stop digitv creating a new box for N2011

Give me a little time to do this for you.