View Full Version : Has anyone got one?? 8000hd

30-12-2008, 01:58 AM
I wont be getting one, i have seen they are available in the uk, but is anyone actually going to spend 900 pound on a reciever??

Maybe last year a few people would have bought them, but with the current climate i can not see many people buying them.

Having said that has anyone actually got one?? I have noticed there are files on here for the 8000hd, but there doesnt seem to be anyone posting they have got one.

Have you got a dm8000hd???


30-12-2008, 02:10 AM
No, and nor will I be. I bought the 7000 blue screen, then updated to an orange one, then bought a 7020 then a 7025. I can remember opening my first dm7000 and thinking "is that it?"
I have been a DM fan all this time but the £1000 receiver is taking the ****, I will be looking elsewhere for my HD - so hurry up AZbox or similar!

30-12-2008, 05:12 AM
I hope the cloned version will soon appear, if the stories about the 800 clone are true it will probably have better hardware than the original.

30-12-2008, 11:04 AM
I am waituing for my BIG lottery win ( but it will have to be a roll over win) then i may consider buying 1 .


30-12-2008, 01:58 PM
I know at least one member here who will have one already!

Cant see it myself yet maybe £400 top not £900 thats ok if you run a hotel.

30-12-2008, 04:40 PM
have just got mine and I am finding it very hard to set up, lack of help in the expensive looking book.

The receiver appears to be very well made but enigma2 is hard work to setup the receiver is bigger and heavier than the 7000.

30-12-2008, 05:27 PM
There is no danger I would spend £925 on a receiver - WTF is it made out of -GOLD!

Even if it was £500 it would be too expensive - I'll wait for a cheap clone to come about as no doubt one will. Hopefully by that time there will be decent software/help available.

30-12-2008, 05:41 PM
have just got mine and I am finding it very hard to set up, lack of help in the expensive looking book.

The receiver appears to be very well made but enigma2 is hard work to setup the receiver is bigger and heavier than the 7000.

You say lack of help, ask some questions on the board, you may be surprised.
We don't all have the DM8000 but there is plenty of people here on the board that can help.
Would also be useful for others to see how you get on.:respect-055:

30-12-2008, 05:57 PM
I paid £869

30-12-2008, 06:03 PM
800 hd clone should be ready for first week of jan,my chineese contact told me

30-12-2008, 07:20 PM
800 hd clone should be ready for first week of jan,my chineese contact told me

There available now:respect-067:

I would pay for the 8000 if I could afford it, but being made redundant, I

dont think ill be getting one soon.

There are a few other good linux box`s comig out soon ;)

30-12-2008, 07:50 PM
There available now:respect-067:

I would pay for the 8000 if I could afford it, but being made redundant, I

dont think ill be getting one soon.

There are a few other good linux box`s comig out soon ;)

he said there on the market but they would not sell them yet as they are having problems,his batch will be the fixed models thats why he wont sell them yet

31-12-2008, 12:42 AM
Just got mine too, nice box you just gotta keep shining it!!

31-12-2008, 04:42 AM
Had mine just over a week now overall its very impressive on the performance front but the build quality and Finnish is pants it really doesn't look like a £900.00 box?, but that's probably due to the fact i have an Reelbox Avantgarde as well, i paid £860.00 by the way.:hurray:

Best Regards.

13-01-2009, 04:25 PM
The HD arrived. it was just like christmas all over again. talk about packagining, this thing is boxed off far nicer than some perfume sets you waste cash on to ensure the WAF is high.

The box has the VIP card within, and the WiFi card, but no HDD or ROM drive; and i have added a DVB-C tuner to the base setup.

Connections on the back end are pretty comprenshive, and initial boot is 720p and and after a few mins the ****** starts offering you to do some very basic TV setup, skip that, and use the DVD Essentials disks. anyway, after hooking up thor and astra28 and letting it do its scans, have a coffee, and then time to play with engima2.

the upscaled images are impressive, i have a DVDO iScan HD which i was feeding with a DM500 for the past few years, but this is easly as good, more specific comparisions over the next days.

then - BBCHD to check out the S2 functions and its much sharper image then the humax box [but for the price it better be].

thats it for now. I have to learn hot to program these babies as for the past few years its been enigma 1 on DM500's and Dm600's for me only.


18-01-2009, 01:17 PM
Hi Shappaeye
Ive followed your blog with great interest and copied it to file - thanks for all the info M8 - Now B****r the credit crunch - can anyone point me in the direction of a dealer[By pm if necc] since i dont think our sponsor is dealing yet? Thanks - Brain

18-01-2009, 04:41 PM
Hi Shappaeye
Ive followed your blog with great interest and copied it to file - thanks for all the info M8 - Now B****r the credit crunch - can anyone point me in the direction of a dealer[By pm if necc] since i dont think our sponsor is dealing yet? Thanks - Brain

pm sent
you can call them aswell

get me one too lol

12-02-2009, 03:59 PM
for a box that has no cooling facility no internal positioner, i dont care how good it is they wont be getting £900 from me...i'll wait until they become £500 or abouts, and if they dont i'll go without.

regards: canthackit

12-02-2009, 04:38 PM
I see these boxes run enigma 2 if it's anything like my 7025 also an enigma 2 box I cannot for the life of me see how they justify the £900 prce tag, after persevering with the 7025 for some time trying different images the box has been relegated back to a second box on my network while my good old (enigma 1) 7020 performs the main box function admirably.
Just my towpeneth.

regards painter