View Full Version : Dreambox DM800 cant flash image

31-12-2008, 11:10 AM
I am new to the satellite world and have just bought a Dreambox 800 I am slowly finding my way but have hit a brick wall whilst tring to flash new image. I willlist the various problems/;
1. After doing a factory reset the network settings remain as how I set them up
2. When holding in the on/off button whilst powering up and getting to the stop screen an ip address is shown which has been given by DHCP (which is set to no) and does not show my manual IP address
3.When I try to use flash ****** pro 6.3 after setting up my internet settings and try to ope the gemini 3.9 file a window opens saying This is not supported (yet) on DM7020
4. When using dreamup or the only serial port available to me is Com3 - after starting the software and restarting the dreambox the dreambox is never found and the message of - connection prepared now switch on the dreambox remains.

I have tried a null cable, a direct connection with a cross over cable and also through a network set up
I can ping the dreambox and a bit of software called Dreambox control centre which I found shows there is a connection from my laptop to the router and also the dreambox but I am still not abl to get to a position to flash a new image.

Can anyone help please?

31-12-2008, 11:36 AM
post 6


You need DCHP enabled on your router and you can not use your fixed ip

31-12-2008, 11:50 AM
you can just give the box a IP on the same subnet as your network , So if his pc has a fixed ip of and the router (gateway) IP is for EG , then he could just give the box a IP on the same subnet IE so long as nothing on the network has the same IP

sorry i wrote this before i read all your thread but since it is relavent to people with no dhcp and not trying to flash over lan then i will let it stay .

@ Gando try this matey ........right click my computer and goto manage ,in the left plane click device manager ,now in the right plane you will see ports (com and LTP) expand this box and see what nuber you com port has been given , now select this same com port number in the dream up . software then click connect and the at the very last put the power cable in the dreambox ...and away you go.

your may look a little different as i am using windows vista as you can see my com port is set to com1
http://img56.imageshack.us/img56/3723/comportch0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

as far as i know you cannot use flash \/\/1zard on any dreamboxes above the dm7000

to flash over you network you will need DHCP enabling in your router ( this is normaly set up as default)

press and hold the power button on the dm800 then apply power you will see *STOP* then if DHCP is running and the box is conected to the router properly you will get an IP ( this can somtimes take a good few seconds)

simply enter the ip on the front of the dm800 in your web browser ( mozilla firefox is advised for this) you will see the flash web page . it can be hard to read the writing in red ( when your colour blind like me) but the bottom line says flash new firmware .

click this and point your browser to the nfi file you wish to flash to the box .


31-12-2008, 05:21 PM
Thanks for the above info - karlpowell hit a nerve with searching for the port number - I found there was no ports in my device manager (Never thought about the computer being set up wrongly) so I went into the bios and set the port to com1 and everything worked even though dreamup was asking for port com3
Now onto cccam and then find some codes
Thanks to all

31-12-2008, 05:55 PM
Glad i could help matey ... just goes to show all those years of scratching own head with these boxes does come in usefull from time to time ...... (I am bald now :) )

all the best lads


31-12-2008, 07:10 PM
ODD With Bootloader 70 -- IM pressing the power button and now dont get the STOP with IP showing ...... Any suggestions?

31-12-2008, 10:37 PM
is the box working? what image did you load?

31-12-2008, 11:25 PM
DH __ its ok now used DreamUP via Cable _ Still odd thou with this image seems to be missing the STop DCHP function using Dreamup is a long winded setup.

01-01-2009, 01:31 PM
which image did you try to load applematt? this sounds bad, how will you update in future?

01-01-2009, 05:33 PM
ok I tried to put nabilo image, and so I went through the usual flash image procedure, I get an IP, which I put through the browser, I tell it to load nabilo image and I get network timeout error, if I put the IP in again in browser, I still get network error, even though DHCP is on and the Dreambox has been assigned an address, if I switch it off and on, thank goodness the old Gemini 3.7 image loads, is it because I got bootloader 61?

OK, thanks,


simon 2003
01-01-2009, 06:25 PM
stop worked for me applemat m8/harshy think i read 70 is a prerequisite for v0.6

01-01-2009, 07:00 PM
ok I'll put the bootloader 70 first, thanks for your reply,
