View Full Version : Galaxy 9800 hd

31-12-2008, 07:49 PM
:redface: Hi Folks,
I just got this 918 clone, and there's not way to upgrade with latest emu firmware. First I notice the CAS password is 0000 instead of 9999.
Any time I'm trying to flash it, I have a message where the firmware doesn't match.

STB info is :

SAT 9800 HD
RYPL 101.7810/28/08
GX4CINO hihl 6/24/08
B001d-B001d 01.06 HS02.00

Any idea ???

Happy New Year

31-12-2008, 10:56 PM
For every distributed "brand" of these clones different fw-versions must be loaded. The loader checks for the correctly branded firmware with checksums etc.
No use to try stuffing it with original octagon/sab/golden interstar/next software, that's a no-go.
Best is to try find your "own brand" firmware (though the version 101.78 equals the latest emu soft of the sab ultimate).
In your case search for the site of the Galaxy 9800 (and of course the site distributing the EMU soft, since the "official" releases won't have any emu's in it).
DON'T load the "official" soft if you haven't got the emu-soft, or you will loose the ability to use the hidden menu.


03-01-2009, 10:16 AM
:cool: Hi Peter273,

Thanks for reply, the firmware actually has EMU facility, from MODULE menu, Red button on r.c. and 0000, You will get EMU menu.

But this can not handle N*S card, as CCCam emu.

To turn around n*s emu issue, I'm using an old MATRIX cam, no problem with SD . Some problems on S*y Hd Italy, most of the time, only audio are decoded, but video is alway blank, and the settings are correct. The remote control is the one belongs to Koscom HD 7400.

Any idea how to just implement new emu ? I follow Your suggestion, but unfortunally there's not any usefull docs on GALAXY's site.


10-01-2009, 05:40 PM
thanks for the info but I think that it is not ethical to transfer the emu of the 918 to other receivers which are called clones. The Octagon team works hard for its softwares as I know.

31-01-2009, 07:30 PM
:respect-020: Works fine with S*y Italia card. Cards shall be upside down position ...