View Full Version : should diablo clear all 'known' channels

06-01-2009, 01:37 PM
Since the patched version is causing me the reboot problems and access to HDD recorded stuff, I am using the official 668 firmware in my Technomate 6900 super combo. Using my Diablo 2.3 with uw 151, I can clear all conax stuff ok - but not digi tv - despite leaving the N auto in off.

My question is this - if I am not using a Technomate patched firmware - then should I expect my Diablo to open all 'usual' channels as it did in my echostar - using latest key.bin & data.bin files as they come up ?

06-01-2009, 02:02 PM
N2 AU not working for Diablo... you must turn off N2 AU and insert key manual or upload new keys.bin file

06-01-2009, 03:04 PM
yes dxdy - i have done all of that - so either the files change by the time i get to use the cam - or something else is wrong - reading other threads here & elsewhere - as i understand it digi tv has been working for a while - that's what is throwing me - it isn't working for me - hence the question

06-01-2009, 03:10 PM
you have good signal? try A2 channel (12604 Ver) it's FTA

06-01-2009, 03:18 PM
signal strength is ok - all i get is scrambled - am now putting uw 152 on cam to see if this makes any difference with latest data.bin todays date

06-01-2009, 03:37 PM
just put uw 152 0n cam - still no digi tv. all 'settings' appear correct.

when i check the nagravision key part on screen - all the 'keys' are 00 - am i supposed to be putting keys into this? if so where are the keys?

nosmo king
06-01-2009, 03:51 PM
Using 1.51

Working here

Check the keys

Diablo menu
Keys ok
Current chan key edit ok
Caid 1801 prid 002111 keyid 86

are they correct

06-01-2009, 03:54 PM
never had to play with settings before other than auto on or off etc. - so why is it now different?

06-01-2009, 04:48 PM
sorted it now - put the new toredo data.bin & keys.bin file on it plus their caids.xml list. Had to change the existing caids in config (which was dxdy - eur) to the toredo caids - then digi tv came on ok