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Thread: Im back after 2 years and need help.

  1. #1
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    Im back after 2 years and need help.

    Hi everyone, sorry Ive not posted for ages but basically I gave up on the hobby about 2 years ago. I started in about 2004 and joined 3 forums, not even sure if Im allowed to name them but they were Sxxdxxxz, Pxpxxxns and Txx-cxxxxx Dxx. Dxxxz went down or it was always having trouble and as far as I can remember Satpimps sprung from their ashes but by then I was losing interest mainly the wife nagging to get a sly box as its easier so thats the road I took.
    Yesterday I thought Id start up the old Samsung 9500 DSR and low and behold its still working ok. I fitted a new 1 metre dish and invacom 0.3 lnb about two years ago.
    I went outside, attatched my sat meter and its still pretty good, just needed a little tweaking to get full strength again. I wiped all the channels from the box and did a rescan, just 3 birds, 28 east 19 east and 13 east, only fta. Now my problem is its only pulling in say 120 channels from 28 east, my brother pulls in 300 or so on his system and his daughter is pulling in over 300 from a £49 job from ALDI, dish lnb and receiver all included.
    Of the channels its pulled in about half are pulling full signal strength and the picture is perfect but on other channels like the shopping channels etc my signal strength is either full up one second then rock bottom the next second, up down up down continuesly, this in turn either cracks up my pictures or wont even show them, its exactly the same on all 3 birds. There is nothing in the way of the dish Ive double checked.
    Ive checked all the connectors and they seem ok, clean and dry, ive had them taped up so no water got in the cables. There are no joints anywhere either.
    What would cause it to have full strength on bbc, itv, channel 4 etc but then hardly anything on other channels? Is it that the box is now outdated and not pulling in the missing channels? If so then why the signal strength jumping up and down on other channels, like I say the signal strength is static and high on all three birds but only on about half of the channels.
    Im assumming I have two choices, get a new box or be happy with what Ive got.
    If anyone can give a rusty brain like mine a few pointers I would be very grateful.
    Regards Ziggy.

  2. #2
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    Check the polarity, of the channels you're experiencing problems with, if they're all Horizontal, or vertical, then it could be a faulty LNB or the receiver not switching properly.
    Also check the frequency range, it might be your LNB settings, in the receiver menu.

  3. #3
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    :nopity:2 years wowwwwwww.... i was phoning southend then for codes and stuff! my elvis was used then haaaa... and HDMI WERE a new word!

  4. #4
    V.I.P skomedal's Avatar
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    Did not mention which version of samsung 9500 dsr you have!

    myself have 2 versions these are:-

    via with embedded via$at card reader
    ya with embedded c0nax card reader

    Think you need to update channel list.

    Look in the samsung page on this site/forum to check for channel updates and tools for this box!

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck!


  5. #5
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    Thanks for the prompt reply guys. First its the DSR9500 Via CI, sorry about that. OK Mickha tomorrow I will check to make sure its not all horizontal or vertical channels that are missing, that would be a good start I suppose and I will check the frequency range also of the LNB.
    Hi Skomedal, to be truthful I dont even think I have a channel list in it, I just move my dish to a bird then do an automatic scan of all the FTA channels. Wont this bring in everything thats available from that particular bird. Im only doing FTA now, at the moment dont want all the hassle of trying to get other channels to open again.
    I have noticed in the past when Ive scanned for a particular channel it doesnt come down on Auto scan but if I put in the frequencies and do a manual scan it does find them, so is this how a channel list will help me? Sorry for being a bit ignorant on the subject.
    Regards Ziggy.

  6. #6
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    Hi again, all the channels where the signal seems to drop off completlely then bounce back up again all seem to be on vertical, they are all on 28 degrees East, Astra. some channels on Horizontal are cracking up quite badly even though Im getting a good signal strength but its not stable, its fluctuating between a third and a half but not dropping to zero like it does on Vertical.
    Also on Hot Bird a few are breaking up there. What Im thinking is I probably need a new LNB and a definately a channel list needs putting in the Sammy. Although this lnb is only 2 years old it did go through a really harsh winter last year and if damp got inside and froze up it could have done irrepairable damage.
    Is there a guide to put in a channel list with the tools I need. I will need to download all the tools and programmes again as this is a new PC.
    Thanks if you can point me in that direction.
    Regards Ziggy.

  7. #7
    V.I.P ramjet's Avatar
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    its an old receiver but you should check the sticky threads and firmware section for the old tools for this , but things have moved on a lot and its probably only good for fta channels now anyway, maybe you need a new receiver as well as a new lnb

  8. #8
    V.I.P skomedal's Avatar
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    All the answers are in this samsung section re. channel updates:-

    tools & editors for programme semco editor,,, thx andrew007:respect-046:

    Emu and caid lists & settings,,,, thx andrew007:respect-046:

    Thats what i said before!!!

    All you need is here good luck and do not forget to press the thanks button for andrew007 for good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. #9
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    Thanks Skomedal for all your help, Im going away for a few days now so as soon as I get back I will start on the channel list and take it from there. Thanks again. Regards, Ziggy

  10. #10
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    Hi Ramjet, I was thinking along those lines also, the Sammy must be 6-8 years old and saw me through some good times but the old girl is getting dated now so that was an alternative but firstly I will try putting a new channel list in next week, then see about a new lnb. If Im getting a good selection of FTA then I might leave it at that otherwise I could be tempted into a new reciever. I was looking through Goldwafers but its all so different now, I need to do a bit of homework on all the new stuff and see what Im needing.
    Thanks for replying.
    Regards, Ziggy.


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