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Being new to this many abbrevations/terms mean little to me, so thought this may be of help to some members - I've started the ball rolling with some terms - but it is probably best to allow more experienced members to add definitions/meanings and more terms too !...?
Softcam - text file containing keys for the patched boxes - on a spiderbox there are 2 , HD for HD boxes (9k and 7k) and SD for non-HD boxes (5k)
USALS - Universal Satellites Automatic Location System _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Satellites_Automatic_Lo cation_System
UCAS - Universal Conditional Access System , embedded emulator or patch that allows decoding methods on cams or receivers to be implemented
FTA - Free To Air channels - channels that are not scrambled by any means and can be viewed by any suitable box
BISS - Basic Interoperable Scrambling System - _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Interoperable_Scrambling_Sy stem
C lines - Cccam emulation system , a C line containing c#rd sharing details , host , port , name , password
N lines - Newcamd emulation system , an N line containing c#rd sharing details , host , port , name , password , deskey
CS - abbreviation for C#rd Sharing , where 2 or more people share c#rds , or a host server shares c#rds to clients by c or n or similar emulation
EPG - Electronic Program Guide , _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_program_guide