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I had trouble finding a all in one guide and image etc so here goes, sorry if it contains any errors.....
My how to for IPBox 900 HD
I cannot be held responsible for damage or loss of current functionality of your stb. I will say this worked for me.
(this took over a weeks trial and error nightly to crack, and a shed load of reading :-)
Find AAF Enigma2 Summer Image. (USB version)
Format memory device to FAT or FAT32 (I used FAT)
Load image to memory device, renaming to usb_update.img.
Connect the memory devise to stb USB port.
Hit the power on button and then the OK button, letting go of the OK button on the stb…but keep holding the power on button.
(Alternatively power off at the back, and power on a the back holding the power button on the stb)
Front panel should say booting, followed by USB Update. At this point let go of the power button, the memory device should start flashing. When it stops there will be a short pause …then the std display shows erasing and will count 0 -100, this will then change to flashing and count 0 – 100.
When the display say’s done…hit the power button on the stb. this will change to booting then loading…..when finished follow the onscreen prompts as required…for test purposes I used the Astra (Sky) satellite.
Find all EMU package with an Oscam .pk file (If you find the correct file there will be others too)
Go to settings and find the IP address. This will look like 192.168.1.?
Find a suitable ftp program.
Login into the box using the 192.168.1.? login root / Password ipbox (this may differ).
FTP the relevant .pk file into the var/temp folder of the stb.
Hit the red button on the remote… go to the AAF panel. Install the file
This should have installed the relevant files.
FTP to var/keys…there a few files to change, copy them over to your PC and use a suitable editor to edit the files see below:
oscam.server – self explanatory as what to add
oscam.conf – change boxtype=ipbox to boxtype = dbox2
FTP files back to the correct location on the stb var/keys
Then setup the cam using AAF panel (red button)
That’s it me finks
Good luck