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Thread: TM7102HDT2 8280 Menu

  1. #1
    Verified Registered User rodlogic's Avatar
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    Question TM7102HDT2 8280 Menu

    can anyone explain the following please

    I can access the 8280 menu on a channel that requires a BISS key
    I am presented with a menu/Table with a list of keys (approx 40)
    I know I can select a key for the channel by scrolling down and selecting MENU and it saves the key I have selected for the channel (
    How do I know which key to select (do I have to look in the softcam.key file to see what key/channel) as I do not wish to overwrite working keys

    Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere - but I do not see much info re: PhantomPatch+Addon and how they operate on a TM7102HDT2

    And now I find it has been covered to some extent here

    One other item to cover whilst I have your attention.
    When loading keys via a file - do they have to be or softcam.key ?

    Thanks again
    Last edited by rodlogic; 13-02-2013 at 02:50 PM. Reason: Updated info and internal link

  2. #2
    Cool Dude holmroad's Avatar
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    I do understand your original query mate - and I too have often wondered, once inside the 8280 Menu, how you know at a glance which keys are and which keys arent currently in use already?
    I have often worried that by overwriting some 'existing' lines exactly how to know if by doing that you've 'robbed' some other channels?
    Good point mate!:respect-050:

  3. #3
    Verified Registered User rodlogic's Avatar
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    OK I now have more information and have posted packaged called TechnomateMaker15.rar in the technomate 7000 series Tools n Editors section. The description should be self-explanatory - creates softcam.key files formatted for Technomate receivers using the "add-on". It does mention that BISS keys can only be added manually via the handset (I guess they age so quickly that you don't build up a big "live" list to manage)

    And again to add to the info - it would appear that BISS keys into the table on a TM7102HDT2 can be assigned to any number of different channels - there is a one to many relationship between the key and channels i.e. 1 key can be assigned to many channels - have done this for the BBC channels on 27.5w - entered the key once and then went onto the BBC channel, 8280 - selected the key - menu save, onto next channels and 8280 - select same key - menu save.
    Last edited by rodlogic; 17-02-2013 at 09:25 PM. Reason: additional BISS key mgt info

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