Can someone tell me what keys to press on the remote to enter capital letters in the bouquet view
Can someone tell me what keys to press on the remote to enter capital letters in the bouquet view
If your referring to the virtual keyboard then its the 'up' arrow, bottom left hand corner
I was referring to the Remote Control. I know I could do it years ago but I've had to get the DM800 out of storage just to tide me over until my Vu box is repaired.
what are you trying to do in the bouquet menu ?
the only thing I could think of was renaming something,
in which case the virtual keyboard come up on screen, i press that bottom left button on the keyboard and all subsequent key presses from my remote are in capitals
On the VU+ you just keep pressing the required key, until you see the capital version, in the available list, but first it starts off with the lower case letters.
Hopefully the Dreambox is the same.
I'm wanting to Name a new bouquet. The remote for my aged DM800 has not got an up arrow key and no virtual keyboard appears when I'm in the on screen bouquet menu. The bottom left key on my remote is the "TV" key, above that is the "red" key
so perhaps things have changed since I last used my 2010 remote and DM800
in which case then it will be as Mickha has said above
press the 5 key once for j or press the 5 key five times for J (j k l 5 J )
yes the up arrow is on the virtual keyboard not the remote
Many thanks,
You have have jogged my memory from about 10 years ago