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Thread: Zgemma star2s help

  1. #21
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    If you load a new image you will have to set everything up again.
    You could back up some things but if you're happy with the image, you already have installed, then keep it.
    Have you got an upto date motorized channel list, to aid you locate, and store the satellites?
    You should be able to update your channel list, without affecting everything else.

  2. #22
    V.I.P williamtell's Avatar
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    the sat lists are in there & i have ticked ones required/ i have menu with tuner config, auto bouqets, signal finder , positioner, etc this as mentioned is where i come unstuck although i did get astra 1 thro tuner A or B/ out today but will be having another go over Easter tia

  3. #23
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    Check on lyngsat, and William-1's strongest transponder list:

    I would use your v-box, to move the dish, find a satellite, then store it, on your v-box, writing down which number, you've stored the satellite on, as this is required to match in your receivers tuner configuration, if you decide to use your receiver to move your dish.
    Take your time, finding the satellites, and peaking the signal, then storing them, on your V-Box, as this only needs to be done once.

  4. #24
    V.I.P williamtell's Avatar
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    So I'm clicking vbox but where are sats on zgemma? What do I display?& where 😏

  5. #25
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    You select a channel, on the zgemma, preferably a FTA channel, with a strong signal, e.g. Fashion Television Europe, 13E, 10815 H 27500, you then use your V-Box remote control top move the dish slowly West, if it's currently on 19.2E, and wait until you get a picture.
    An easier method is to use the Satellite Option finder, available in some images.
    I'm running Open Black Hole 4.1, and this option is located in the menu, Setup, Tuner Config, Signal Finder.
    Here I have the options to select a satellite, choose a predefined transponder, or alter this to User Defined Transponder, and manually enter the details. It also provides a signal quality bar which makes it easier when moving the dish.

    Check on lyngsat for suitable transponders, or use willim-1's guide.

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