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Thread: Solo 4K or Oscam and Cccam First Installation Help

  1. #21
    Verified Registered User
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    Sorry, in usr/camscript/

    I have files, best regards

  2. #22
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    oscam.conf is nothing to do with your lines, but does contain different sections including the oscam webif as I mentioned earlier, so you can see it working in a browser

    oscam user is where you add authorised boxes, including your new 4k box for example, so each user has its own login, the first user is your new box, so unless you provide a local user in oscam.user to login your own box into your own oscam emulator, your box wont work , meaning you wont decode anything at all

    the camscripts above start the cam emus , like cccam , oscam and the CI (Common Interface, where you can plug in an actual cam) , they are text files containing lines of instructions

    getting mgcamd or cccam to work is fairly easy, oscam requires quite a lot of studying to get your head around, its a topic all by itself and so we have a specific oscam section devoted to it, where I posted those files to assist newbies a few years ago

    the lines you received go into oscam.server, as you know already, the people who provided them did not provide all the other configs for oscam, they assume that you already have it set up and ready to go, with the knowledge required to make it work. so you must get the basics right in oscam.config and oscam.user (both contain essential instructions to make the whole thing work). you must also have started oscam using the blue button and selecting oscam as your emu of choice (so not cccam) and have saved it, so that oscam is an active emu

    your Ncam oscam above probably matches the physical name of your oscam, so no you may not have an file, doesnt matter in this context, but is the old default for bin files that are merely called oscam , with no version numbers in their names

    oscam webif shows a panel where you can alter things in a menu and shows if lines and boxes are connected, in use , idle etc

    nothing to do with what you mentioned

    here is a link to examples of the oscam interface panel , accessed using your box ip plus the oscam port number

    the lines connect your box to somebody elses box

    the oscam.user connects your own box to your own oscam emulator, when its activated and in use

    oscam.conf has several purposes, one purpose is the webif so you can view your own oscam interface panel

  3. #23
    Admin hda5's Avatar
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    Put this in oscam.user file

    user = dvbapi
    pwd =
    group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 15,16
    uniq = 3
    au = 1

    Put this is oscam.conf file


    port = 12000
    version = 2.3.2

    enabled = 1
    au = 1
    user = dvbapi

    httpport = 83
    httprefresh = 10
    httppollrefresh = 10
    httpallowed =,,fd00::-fdff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:fff f:ffff,2000::-3fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:fff f:ffff,::1
    httphideidleclients = 0

    Put this in oscam.server

    label = CCcam
    protocol = cccam
    device =, 1xxxx
    user = 09xxxx
    password = xxxxx
    inactivitytimeout = -1
    disablecrccws = 1
    group = 1
    cccversion = 2.3.2
    ccckeepalive = 1
    audisabled = 1

  4. #24
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    With the help of the masters, my oscam files are working now, thank you again to everyone.

  5. #25
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    Hi Masters, it's starting to get confused as it's not basic as I've been wandering around the forum Currently, I can watch the broadcasts with the current Oscam ( enigma2-softcams-oscam-all-images_11.684-emu-r798-arm+mips_all) version with the lines given by the Server Provider.
    Now there is the version ( enigma2-softcams-oscam-all-images_11.693-emu-r798-arm+mips_all ) that I saw in Updates. Do I need to install this now to stay up to date?
    Also oscam-11635-solo4k-emu. or there are PowerVU config files for oscam-emu files, do I need them?

  6. #26
    Security Admin echelon's Avatar
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    in theory , yes , you would use the latest oscam, but in practice its not necessary to do this frequently, but there is no reason why you cannot have 2 or 5 or 10 oscam bin files and the startup files in your emulators by utilising the usr/camscript files , one for each oscam, then select each oscam separately and check it out ( I press blue to see which one is in use at any time, so I keep the old one whilst testing the newer ones)

    you only need one working oscam and typically I would only update a couple of times a year, never erasing the older ones until I am happy that the new ones are working properly, so do not obsess about it , the difference between the 2 above is maybe one or two weeks of changes, neither here nor there imho

    powervu is tricky to get your head around , so dont run before you can walk

    we have no idea what you actually need, everyone is different (sometimes be thankful for what you have got)

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